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Anticipation intensifies!

Mason Dunne

Fruits of labor~! I wonder what their storage and processing capabilities are?


*Bounces like an unmedicated ADHD* YESSSSSSSS


Son of a bitch! Nanite blueberry girl I KNEW IT! SO! Bets on how many pages it takes for her to swell up and spread out of there infecting anything she touches?

Mason Dunne

12 pages! But only after she has swollen up and jacked in as a nanite super computer.


I dunno, it's always bothered me in stories when someone's consciousness is wiped from their body and replaced with another, benevolent or not. Unless this Jules was the epitome of unethical science, I hope there's the chance, however unlikely, that a small piece of her is still alive and well in that blue human-shaped computer. Maybe as a memory backup somewhere in the left buttcheek of... Does Julesberry sound alright?

Mason Dunne

Well, I would see it like in Ghost in The Shell; The Major merged with Project 2501 to form a new bieng. I think that the nanomachines use "We" as in the body of Jules, but the computational cell network of the nanomachines, which seems to hint that it sees itself as benevolent, not destroying the hardware (so to speak, pretty sure Jules filled up with nanites [not outright just turning her in to blue goo] before the nanos took precedence over as the dominant conscience) but overwriting the software (no longer the Jules they know) Seeing that it was Jules that volunteered, think she had an aspiration towards achieving singularity for herself? (I think Julesberry works, we could refer to Jules or the cells separately when considering what or who is doing what or if it's Julesberry's initiative)


Huh, I didn't consider it originally but the GitS explanation is much more fitting. I was originally picturing Ra's al Ghul in Batman Beyond scenario, with a complete wipe of the host's consciousness to hijack the body. That "We" line you mentioned is the linchpin here, because if it was a pure wipe then the line would have been closer to "the Jules you know is no more" or something. Julesberry is Jules and she is the nanites, the two individuals no longer exist alone but coexist as one consciousness. Deep stuff... Though on a somewhat related tangent, blueberry Major Kusanagi needs to be a thing now right alongside a blackberry Revy.


Eh, she doesn't say that. More than likely she joined a gestalt intelligence, she's not gone just one voice of many now.