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The past few weeks of LBSM have really felt like a chore.  As vague as it sounds, I'm just not really 'feeling it' and I think it's been affecting the quality of those pages. 

As annoying as it may be, I'm going to take a short break from LBSM and do some other stuff for a little bit and hopefully get into a better frame of mind.




sounds good to me, as long as we get moar awesome stuff from you, I don't really care what it is XD


Dang, I'm not super into pregnancy but I love the way hers affected her body, especially the way her clothes don't fit.

Mason Dunne

A sabbatical always helps clear the head!


Heh cute, also I don't mind what you post up as long as you enjoy doing it so just work hard on getting back into the mood to do what you love ^^


Damn! So good! I <3 pregnancy! You could make this like "The adventures of _____ and the goddess"


Hey man, the worst thing that can happen to a creative mind is apathy towards your work. It's better to take a few steps back to clear your head than it is to continue on without any heart behind it, and I'm pretty sure most of us would agree with that. That being said, you blew my expectations for last week's quick little idea out of the water. I could totally see the foundation of another short series like Untitled or DeltaG with this, or a couple weeks of 1-2 page quickies based on other sketch ideas too. Whatever helps reignite that creative spark, we'll definitely enjoy the ride.


Super luminescent! 8D Such awesome, ESPECIALLY on the ribbion of silk wrapped around the Goddess. With luck there will be a part 2. XD


We love you. ...I'll just leave here a suggestion to clear your head with some more Gnarlington bullshit.


347% down like James Brown.


On one hand bummed about LBSM taking a break right when it seemed like things were finally coming to a head between Alexis and Than but you gotta do what you gotta do. If taking a break ultimately makes for better pages then by all means go for it


How about more space bunnies??

george solis

Along with Ricky Java, you and him do the best work I like on Patreon so if you need a interlude in order to energize the creative skills, indeed do so. While I hope it doesn't take too long, since I'm a little bit anxious to see just how big Than and Alexis can get, It would be bad if you discontinued the story just because you ran out patience or ideas with it.


I approve of this little aside.


I know your content on here isn't really P-heavy, but when it is, I appreciate it so much more.


I noticed you haven't taken time for yourself to do some simple pinups like you used too. I think doing things outside of the story or even just creating new characters and stories themselves can reinvigorate you.


Her expression in panel one... And as someone else said, moar space bunnies, please.


So is there someone out there wondering, Where the heck is that supplicant I called for?


Damn, didn't even notice there is a second page...


Shigeru Miyamoto once said, "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." Z, if you feel that taking a break will improve the quality of LBSM, then take a break! There's no need to rush it. Take the time to gather your thoughts/feelings, plan accordingingly. Do your best to make it your best.

The Producer

If your version of taking a break is more stuff that's awesome like this comic, I'm down with it!