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Mason Dunne

Of course you do Shorty, no doubt…


Kat: Next time you see a giant diamond with a futa adventurer and his crazy preggo sidekick, just let it go Kat, just let it go.


Short Stuff: Move over Kat, I want in on this. Kat: Or you could unchain me, stop Johnson, Gita, anything else far more helpful to me and my situation. Short Stuff: I could.....but I wanna see how big a belly Dr. J pumps into you


Here comes Short Stuff! About to drop some sweet moves and kick some preggo butt!


That or she makes Kat and Dr. J have a three way with her before she saves the day

The Producer

Is short stuff about to roll down those stairs like the big rock boulder from Raiders?

Richard Handy

But the little one hasn't done anything! And you know when they do it'll be awesome!"- Homer Simpson.


Oof..... gosh she's sexy


You know shorty whatever your planning, it can wait a bit...