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Latrios (Coen van Haaster)

Oooh, I hope she gai s the extra limbs and boobs too... and possibly even more. :3


Hot damn yes. The arousal levels are off the charts


I'm gonna guess and say its the assistant (since face is currently shrouded) ... The result of a whole night of lovin' from Dr. J

Richard Handy

Oh my, this got intense!


Oh wow! Looks like blonde is the final impregnable piece to the puzzle! Also that statue is about to come to life isn’t it?


It does beg the question of how Short Round gets Dr. J. out of this "Milk of the Kali" trance, aside from burning her like in the source material.


Mothers for the mother goddess! Cocks for her pussy!

The Producer

Is she already getting thicker in the bust and butt?


Hyperpreg orgy!


Also just wanna say I really appreciate this story. Feel like hyperpreg usually plays second fiddle to other fetishes in these kind of big stories so the fact that these huge round preggo bellies have stayed the focus is truly been a refreshing delight!

Richard Handy

Were the statues hands always moving around? Uh Oh...


Welp, that's a great idea for 40k cultists.


Not sure how many people noticed but upon a second viewing I think it's worth mentioning that this picture has an incredible amount of detail/resolution to it. Z really went all out on this page. It's desktop background worthy in my book.


I second that. Also, i guess we see here one or two hints, but we will only recognize them in retroperpective.


That statue is definitely coming to life. Z really out did himself this time with this image.