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Truly, a clash of titans.

Mason Dunne

*Space Balls Parody* big… Big… BIG…

Clark Nova

I am worried about the state of the building's foundation.

strange lights

It's as if the room's size is some kind of dare...


I'm going to pretend like Alexis's hands are up in Giddy Schoolgirl Position because she's excited to be defeating Than, or because its the best place for them at present (out of the way of expanding boobmass), rather than because she is delighted to be getting that big. Because if that were the case, she and Than would basically be interchangeable once you got past their fields of business and little-known backstories. Or was that the plan all along, as a form of commentary on society's objectification of women? (well, considering the implant mass, at this point I'm fairly certain they're more object than woman anyway, mathematically speaking)


dang and it looks like than STILL has bigger boobs.


However this is going to end, it will be hard for the Loser to leave the office. But sure I hope we see Than grow a bit before this ends. She will sure dwarf Alexis once more


Than's neck must be really sore having it constantly craned over to the left. Still curious to see what Than's ace in the hole with all of this is. Unless this all ends with Alexis not being able to get as big as Than or Alexis somehow shrinking Than. And looking back to the other big shot of Than from last chapter it almost seems like she looks a decent amount bigger here than before? I guess if she's been filling up regularly that would be the case.


This is probably the most literal interpretation of toppling over an authoritative figure, lol. But aside from that I'm kind of torn in this battle, cause I like them both, and I don't want either of them to lose. It's like watching a fight between Goku and Vegeta, except it involves beautiful women with massive boobs instead.


Everything about this is wonderful!

george solis

Are there any math wizzes here which could figure the volume of the two ladies and the possible weight of their magnificent bosoms ? Just wondering.


This will be an interesting turn out. Where two very well-endowed women are duking it out with their boobs.


It really doesn't look to me like Alexis could grow enough to defeat Than on sheer size ... and she has to know Than could inflate herself SOME at least. I still think this involves some mcguffin other than "I'm-bigger-than-you-are!" Tricking Than into making herself too big to be moved? Keeping her distracted while the IRS freezes her assets? Achieving some level of bulk that allows her to order the avatars around, or triggers a deal with Cowloon? Fascinating in any case.

Mason Dunne

I've calculated (estimated) the water weight and volume of a BerryGirl before (70's and newer movie) but without really having a good reference point on height (Than's or Alexis') and what kind of density or water wheight/specific gravity of the matter either are using, I can barely s.w.a.g. this one.


Amazing, but shouldn't Alexis be dangling in the air at this point?


Oh ... one add to make. The hoses are pretty thin so the fluid must rush into her at a quite high pressure. Otherwise it would take forever to fill her to this size and even larger.