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Hope Gita doesn’t mind them tearing a wall down so Short Stuff can get out of the room


Little did we realize that 'Shrine of Plenitude' is a harem series!


Hope Blondie is all nice and loosen up and out of that dress because she’s about to make Short Stuff look small


The good Doctor has done well with quenching the needs of her partner. I do hope Blondie is ready for all the treatment she'll be giving as well. 😊

The Producer

Well this just gets better and better.

The Producer

Wait, what if shortie ends up fulfilling the prophecy?


My money is on Blondie because she was after the diamond after all and I suspect if she wants that diamond she’s gonna have to take everything Gita and the Goddess give her


She's gonna be as big as a house if this keeps this up.

Mason Dunne

Somehow all that enchanted sponge is not only gonna make her replete, but possibly turn her in to a Kaiju sized deity.


I think Gita has dibs on turning into a kaiju sized deity first, but she may bring Short Stuff and Blondie along to be her servants and Johnson her fuck toy