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Barbara never did like that mustache. Also the new tits are nice.


Thanks *so* much for drawing my Sarah idea z, she came out *perfect*! (Love the Warren-17 sequel, too.) :D


Oh my god, 4 for four. And is that the Warren anthropologist I see?


Ha! Is that the guy who ended up getting Director Blake TG'd way back when? Nice callback.


And then Gita found out about the Archaeologist mom and booked her a first class ticket to visit, with big plans in mind

The Producer

I’d love to see more life in the warren


The Pregventurer is one of my favorite minor story lines especially with outdated memes


Interstellar Astrographic Presents: The Warren's of the Space Bunny Dominion


I'm starting those kids are actively trying to make sure there mom stays knocked up. I guess they like having lots of siblings. Also thanks for doing my suggestion, I love the way Gorge turned out and I hope to see a bit more of her.


Some guy goes on a date with the archaeologist: So how many kids do you have? Archaeologist: Well I’m currently pregnant with about 38 now then I got about 97 at home, those kids just love giving me fertility idols. Guy: And they all came from Fertility idols? Archaeologist: Yes

Rose Lalonde

Does anyone ever fuck in this world or does pregnancy just come from drugs and magic. Ya start to wonder.


In the Z-verse women run the show more often then not. Caught in a low-key power struggle of their own making in achieving ever increasing forms of femininity. Men still play a relevant role but for the most part we just sit back and enjoy the show. But that's just my personal observation.


So, quick question on our fertility idol'd adventurer archaeologist: how far back does her story go? This picture (190512) is a sequel to Hand-Crafted Mother's Day, and I think she's the star of picture 160129 (Sketches #59), but did she appear earlier than that? Or am I just being thrown off by memories of her finding the cow-shaped fertility idol in HCMD?


I could be missing something as well but I believe you hit the nail on the head. Her original appearance was the single-shot sketch back in early 2016, which then lead to the "HCMD" short-story and now she's received a couple more one-off appearances with this weeks being the most recent.


So, having recently gone through the entire sketch archive, I've noticed three distinct groups of bunnygirls appearing in various storylines. I was wondering what the connection is between them, if any?


Dammit, didn't mean to cut off there. Sorry; the first group are the space-dwelling human subspecies from the Let's Burn Some Muscle universe, who debuted as a sketch, then had the comic "Mother's Day in Warren 17", and then the unnamed "Warren Study" by G. De Brun, who had its latest sketch posted here. The second group are the villain protagonists of "Invasive Species"; alien bunnygirls who've come to earth to seduce men to become their brainwashed studs so they can breed an army to conquer the planet with. The last group are a super-villain organization from the Jane Bond verse, who appeared in two comics to date (The Diabolic Ms Esther Bon-Yves and its sequel Ms. Deux), plus two spin-off sequels involving bunnygirl minion 8311-Y, whose overarching plot involves subjecting women to immaculate (bunnygirl) conception products disguised as chocolate eggs or skin lotion.