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Since I'm in between chapters, I'm going to take a bit of a break this week.  I'll probably still post some stuff but it'll likely be a bit more loosey-goosey.

I'll get back to things for real next week.  I anticipate starting up LBSM part 6 next Tuesday. 

Til then, may your mustachios be forever waxed!



Mason Dunne

Everything is big round things this round! Her Gravidity is certainly stately as always.


Ah, I see, it is all coming together. I don't THINK there've been any mentions of the space bunnies in "present day" canon outside of the sketches, ergo - The space bunnies exist in the LBSMverse, but in its FUTURE. Right now, they are just Earth Bunnies, and will flee to the stars when it becomes clear that Earth cannot sustain their numbers.


I am absolutely ecstatic to see that Doctor has embraced the larger lifestyle, especially those lips. Good god they're so sweet and thick and dark I could just kiss them. Not the lips themselves, just the individual suckers. It would take so long to cover every inch of those moist kissers with smooches. I bet she bends down to her boobs and gives her tits some soft kisses every once in a while because she is stacked like no tomorrow, and her outfit looks sexy, thanks to being fit for everything except that ass. Good lord yes that is a good sketch. For a moment I thought Heather 'became' the Doctor but that wouldn't make sense considering Doctor's first appearance had her smaller than Kay in everything.


Isn't the person in 150607 Heather from Down is the New Up,presumably after she graduated Med School and became a doctor and not the other Doctor from LBSM that gave Kay the huge butt? What with the title being "Doctor Heather and Associates" and all.


Well that's what I thought and I was very confused so maybe Z can help figure it out. I did think it was Heather at first, but she has the exact same haircut as the Doctor in this picture. But, our first introduction to the doctor had her with no lip injections, and only a decent bust, she was definitely nowhere near as big as Heather when we last saw her: <a href="http://zdemian.deviantart.com/art/Let-s-Burn-Some-Muscle-p42-415836624" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://zdemian.deviantart.com/art/Let-s-Burn-Some-Muscle-p42-415836624</a>


LBSM? Species could only have dozens or hundreds offsprings if most of these never give the childbirth (die young, sterile, male, etc). If they move into space then they could cheat that law for a few years, but I hope they are trying to invent something. No, it's probably better to put these quickly multiplying critters in the future of DeltaG where physics is less strict.


Sketch 150316 would suggest the LBSMverse. Then again, sketch canonicity is always questionable. And 150316 itself would suggest that the Space Bunnies are already in space, so I'm wrong anyway.


It looks like THE mad doctor to me, who's NOT Heather. Her last few pictures showed her growing, after all. Heather may or may not be A mad doctor in a rival organization.


Gotta say, the Grand Gestator tickles all of my fancies.


Right, I realized it was the mad doctor after looking at the hairstyle. But considering it's named after Heather.. bah, too confusing.


Oh my, a redhead! I can't tell whether I'm enthralled by her dress, her 'mic stand' or that special use of color. And it looks like Heather quite the outstanding doc. I'd love to watch her operate, if only to see if the patient has to use her chest as an operating table, in lieu of limited space.


If they are in the LBSM then something limits their fertility. May be there are some rare mineral needed for conception, or may be there are Space Wolves, IDK, but something should exist, or else the whole thing will callapse from lack of raw nutrition.


Loosey-goosey huh? I'm gonna be disappointed if I don't see one of your characters in some type of goose related costume now.


Her Gravidity is looking absolutely divine. I assume in Space Bunny society that the more fertile and reproductive you are the higher up you are on the social ladder. So does this make the Grand Gestator the God Empress of the Space Bunnies? Also great to see that Heather went on to become a successful doctor with her own practice as well! Now I suddenly want to see a side story of Heather and her fellow associates in witty yet sexy, doctor office shenanigans a la 'Scrubs' or 'House'.


The key words here are "and Associates". Doctor in Quotes is one of the associates, and its poster girl because her look appeals more to the target audience of rebellious and wealthy young people.


Maybe Space Bunnies are Galactic Conquers? Leading campaigns upon countless worlds in a never ending quest for more space and natural resources to supply there ever growing numbers, so they might replenish their forces and go on to conquer more star systems so to swell their numbers even more; all in the name of God Empress of Space Bunny-kind, Her Gravidity, the Grand Gestator!


I don't know but the last look at the Mad Doctor, she had some earrings while this "Doctor" doesn't which makes me think its Heather? I dunno.


Are you guys sure that the gal pictured isn't current timeline Heather with just a new hairstyle? I feel like the title of 'Dr. Heather and Associates' is kind of a dead giveaway that that's Heather in the picture.


Well, past sketches have tended to present dark hair as Sketch Blue, but the postergirl here's here is Sketch White, like Doctor in Quotes's from 150516. 'Course, Heather could have just stopped dying her hair, or decided that blondes have more fun. But now I'm wondering why Doctor in Quotes would be working in orthopaedics anyway, and what happened to her punk hair... What I'm saying is, "Having just analyzed all of the stuff, I have concluded that to be Heather, probably, only with lighter hair and her characteristic mole obscured"


I think it's the other way around: the higher you are on the social ladder the more fertile you are allowed to be. We've seen worker space bunnies in the past and here we are looking on the very top of the social ladder, perhaps the God-Empress of the space bunnies.


Yeesh, I thought it would be pretty obvious given that I actually wrote her name on the picture itself.


She just looks too much like THE mad doctor what with blonde hair and all. Still a side-story with Heather looks promising... After LBSM6, that is, there are no need to create another Ranma 2096...


Dat Bun @__@