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Well that's just delicious. Mu. That's perfect XD and haha, I love the idea that all Jane's gadgets expand her in some way.


Quick. Get the Razorback life preserver panties To stop spies sneaking up on her from behind.


Oh hey this was a nice little surprise! Was not expecting to see more Jane Bond today!


Bond: By the way Mu, any update on that Asston-Matron of mine? Mu: We’re still putting it together since you decided to bang that massive Futa woman: Dick Glory and then have all those babies in the back. Took 5 weeks to fix the leather alone. Bond: Ah but she was worth it, I mean how many futa girls do you know with a dick the size of a small car?


Well as often as Jane Bond finds herself pregnant, the increased bust-line is probably a necessity.


Love it! But imo feel like for maximum pun potential I would say the futa Bond-girl should be called, Dixie Galore. In reference to the movie Goldfinger.


This is excellent world building, thanks Z!


Of course she's a Cowloonian! They're all about the boob tech. So is this before or after the encounter with the impregnation chocolates with the baby obsessed lunalagomorphian?