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A mostly timely short Easter thing.  Except it has nothing to do with Easter beyond having bunny girls in it.




Mmm... Ms. Bond should probably run. The longer her for remains in the pool, the bigger she'll get... And there's not much of a chance of her escaping just yet. So... Yeah, beat feet before she gets crushed?


Holy crap. Even as a moderate preg fan at best this hits so many buttons.


I love this expanding world. The tactical button, C, it's great. Even when Bond isn't the main source of expansion this is one of my favorite comics.

The Producer

Whoa! What an unexpected expectant treat this turned out to be.


This is a delicious Easter treat, thank you very much Z! It's good to see Ms. Bond doing some undercover work as well, and does beg the question on if she's encountered any more 'Bond Girls' on her missions as well.


I wonder how Esther Bonn-Yves is going to react when she discovers her number 2 lady is bigger then her.


I like how she just suddenly is pregnant and just rolls with it


As a side this is probably one of favorite little reoccurring story worlds we visit. The notion of a secret organization of otherworldly bunny girls, bent on world domination via mass impregnating, but often find their plans in ruin more due to their own propensity with being excessively fecund is brilliant, sexy and hilarious.


I love this Bond series and it’s own crazy world. Z: Now pay attention, 0077, this is your new and improved Walther PPP 90 Bra, can grow with you and give perfect support with no shoulder and back pain as you have a nasty habit of always out growing your suits and waddling back with a preggo body. Bond: got any colors besides Grandma beige? I prefer lingerie black


Esther Bonn-Yves: Cannonball *jumps naked into the biggest vat they got*


And the works of Ms Bond; albeit who probably ends every encounter with them more pregnant than last time she dealt with them

The Producer

Ms Deux...why do I feel the name Esther Bob Yves is like the dread pirate Roberts? Passed from bunny girl to bunny girl when the previous has become too gravid with child to supervise the organization? Maybe by the end there’s going to be a building somewhere with rooms occupied by former Bon Yves, all contentedly swollen.


Bond: so you’re not Esther Bonn-Yves? Bunny: Oh but I am, just the 9th one. The original right now is at our secret compound with a body the size of a whale because she got too addicted to being pregnant, it happens to all of us who carry the name. I suspect it’s happening to you too since this is what, the 5th or 6th time you’ve become pregnant because of us. Bond:.........8th

Richard Handy

Most excellent. Always love a good comeuppance story!