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It'd be silly but awesome if Kay had some form of vague precognition where she can foresee the future only through idle speculation. XP Also we need more characters entering and exiting doors in this comic.


That was... anticlimactic... yet tied loose ends quite nicely. Would be interesting to know what happened to Heather... But that's another story for different time... P.S. Well done!

Darth Cabbage

Aaaw, that's the favourite bra she ends up lending to Jan. Also, Heather looks pissed. I love how well you do your facial expressions, even when a persons lips are so huge. Kinda hope we get to see what she looks like now, a couple years later, and whether she continued with her medical training or not.


Heather's lips look like a red bagel.I don't like that.Her ass looks like it's about to come bursting out of her shorts,or skirt,which has already been stretched and torn beyond recognition.I do like that.


The saddest part of all of this is never getting to see Heather or that sweet, skirt-wrecking ass of hers again, or those plump red lips that could suck the whole shell of a Tootsie-Roll pop right off.


Still want to see what Heather is up to now and still want to see Sadie and Jan meet up with present day Kay


Agree on both points. Heather's lips were almost too big on page 19, now they are most definitely too big. I think difference between breasts and lips/ass for me lies in the fact that lips and asschecks are movable. Breasts are not attached to muscles and thus could be arbitrarily big yet still are perceived as breasts. Yet I find huge lips and/or bootie attractive only as long as their owner could actually move them (directly for lips or when legs are moved for ass) - or else these are not body parts, but "bagels", "rafts", etc. Some kind of unnatural bolt-ons. Heather here is furious, yet her lips are not reflecting that... don't like.


Bigger butt is fine indeed. The torn skirt is great. The lips being too big makes them look like they take up too much room on her face and makes it hard to emote. Like Heather is emoting great in her eyes and everything but its like her lips are soooo big to the point where every scene she's in post lip expansion they're just in the same fixed position. I'm fine with some lip expansion in general but when it gets to the point where it looks like she just plopped on some Wax Lips, it just looks kind of silly and hurts the unique look of the characters.


Aww this ended up being a rather sweet conclusion to Sadie and Kay's backstory. And while all the loose story ends have been tied up nicely, it does leave the notion of what was Sadie exactly prepared to do to Kay had she actually been interested in upping her breast size even more? Kind of gave off the impression that Sadie was prepared to force Kay to take on the entire container of filler as revenge. Also, since its been mentioned a few times. I really liked the big lips on Heather. I think it was really fitting of her character, much like the "Doctor", that she had become obsessed with making herself bigger. It didn't really matter to her how they looked it was just that they were bigger was all she cared about. In conclusion, Heather is awesome! And I hope we get to see her again even as a background character down the line.


I really like Heather's appearance. And I agree it would be fun to see her again, either in the main story or in side piece here and there.


Well, you heard her folks. Kay did everything on purpose because she wanted to make Sadie a bra, and believed it would be easier to make a big one than a "small" one. She is truly the ditziest and most diabolical of frenemies.


I'm not sure why everyone is so vocal about one character's lips. I think that kind of exaggerated expansion is (part of) why we're all here. It makes little sense to espouse a dislike of enormous lips (that are featured on very few characters), when almost everyone universally loves Than, Alexis, etc. for how outrageous they are. Not every character is here to please an individual's taste in the fetish. (Also, Heather's lips are amazing and I hope she is featured more as an antagonist/rival in the future.)


Your last paragraph is an answer to the first one, ne? I, for one, only stated my preferences in quite mild form when Heather have duck-lipped herself: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/2318400">https://www.patreon.com/posts/2318400</a> But when people started praising that particular mutilation I, of course, felt the need to remind people that not everyone likes huge immovable lips (I like large lips - but only as long as their owner can emote with them). You are correct when you say that “not every character is here to please an individual's taste in the fetish”, but it helps when people have the same reaction. Think Chase: nobody likes him, which makes him an easy character to use, but when some readers like character and some hate… it's just makes Zdemian's work harder. P.S. I don't hate Heather BTW. My reaction is kind of… aww… “what a waste”… I wouldn't drop the LBSM if she'll be there as a recurring character…


See the problem is you felt to comment when people praised it. Calling it 'mutilation' is really harsh too. It's fine if you don't like them, but after expressing your initial distaste for them once, it's okay to stop. It'd be like you go to a pizza restaurant and they come out with cheese and pepperoni and you're happily enjoying the pepperoni or whatever. Then someone comes out with bacon and onion and a few people rave about it. You try a piece, say you don't like it, and go back to the pepperoni. But every time someone has a piece of bacon and onion you point out that you didn't like it, over and over again.


No, my last paragraph is not an answer to the first. Also, Chase is disliked because of his character, not because he does or does not cater to an individual's particular brand of fetish. The point is that there are a wide range of characters across zdemian's ongoing works, there is no need to complain about the particular appearance of one character—because you don't like fetish X or size Y about them—when there are a dozen others that are there to satisfy a person's desires (quite frankly, extreme lips like Heather's are actually under-represented). Hell, you generally have several size ranges and fetishes represented in a single page, let alone the series as a whole. By your logic, I should complain every time I see a male because I'm heterosexual and not everyone likes men. Or that I should bemoan every scene featuring Cowloon because I'm not into udders.


Well, Ok. I think BioYuGi's allegory with “bacon and onion” is better anology. With a small correction. Suppose that said story happens in Jerusalem. Or, alternatively, with tourists from Jerusalem. In THAT case your “bacon and onion” pizza would be pretty much a joykiller, don't you think? Even if presented briefly. Sure, it may not lead to open conflict, but it may mean that it'll no longer matter how much they enjoy their “cheese and pepperoni”, the experience is ruined. I'm not saying that I dislike Heather's lips THAT much, but I dislike mutilations. And when I talk about “mutilations” I'm pretty precise: “Mutilation or maiming is an act of physical injury that degrades the appearance or function of any living body”. I'll leave “degrades the appearance” part to individual taste, it's bacon vs pepperony thing. But  “degrades the function” part is much simpler. AFACS Kay's (or Jen… or Sadie… or even Alexis or Than) breasts are functional… the same with Kay's or Heather's ass… but Heather's lips are not functional. She couldn't emote with them and that's large part of the reason for lips existence in humans! So… why shouldn't I call mutilations “mutilations”? I'm not saying that people shouldn't like mutilated characters, that's their choice, but where that objection against correct and proper names comes from? As for representation… I've already said that I wouldn't object if I'll see Heather again. I wouldn't like her appearance, sure, but not every character is supposed to be attractive. But when character is really attractive to some and repulsive to some it's hard to use it. Chase has awful personality AND his appearance reinforces it (just compare his appearance to Fletcher who's his companion for crying out loud), that's normal for the story, but with Heather people are really divided as we can see… P.S. Cowloon scenes would have provoked similar reaction if cowgirls would have been introduced that late. But they are something Zdemian have drawn for years thus people unable to stomach them have left long ago.


I think I would like to see her encounter with Alexis… will she feel inferior because she's so much smaller? Or superior because of her ass and lips? Will she become jealous and use hundreds of tons of slurry on herself? How will she react in general?


Khimru, perhaps you don't realize it, but all your arguments here and complaining about lips is on par with what I get repeatedly on DA from people who stumble across my work... "OMG that's so gross! who likes this sort of stuff!? What's wrong with you!?" When you're continually shitting on things as you have been, you're implicitly insulting everyone who does like those things. Your comments all basically follow the premise of "my fetishes are OK, but yours are gross and there's something wrong with you for liking them." You did the same thing with Emily. If you don't like something, you're free to comment along those lines... but it's not necessary to repeat it over and over every time it shows up. I think everyone who peruses these comments at all is very well aware you and a few others don't like huge lips, we've gotten the message. P.S. I have no idea what a Jewish pizza joint has to do with anything.


First of all: the jewish pizza joint was important context. I kind of hoped that you've seen the news: “the military sentenced the soldier to 11 days in prison for eating a pork sandwich during a break in his commander's course” ( <a href="http://goo.gl/ojGBXD" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/ojGBXD</a> ). Later they apologized, sure, but the exact form is also important: “In the bottom line, we were wrong. The IDF continues to keep kosher on the one hand, but will not pry into the sandwiches brought by soldiers on the other hand.” ( <a href="http://goo.gl/nZugJ3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/nZugJ3</a> ). THAT was the context for my “bacon and onion” example. Reaction will be somewhat different there, don't you think? That's a bit how I feel about Heather's lips (not as strongly, of course). As for “my fetish is better than yours” angle… I understand where you come from, but there's subtle difference: my dislike is less of “that's so gross!” kind and more of “how could s/he live like that?” kind. Well, I guess I'll do what IDF did and try to complain less in the future. P.S. My problem with Emily was of the same sort and her Tachikoma-based transportation made her more or less acceptable character to me. Cheers. Keep up the great work!


I like her lips, they're pretty damn plump looking. Welp know what I'm gonna suggest next time "Where is Heather now?"