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Oh my gosh I love the whoopee cushion one. And the birth control prank is freaking hilarious.


Love the fortune teller one. Could see her making more appearances down the road. And the Bunny dancer makes me wanna see one of the space bunnies cosplaying as one to lure more men to snu snu.


Change you back? Babe, this is the Z-verse. Things might be fast and loose a lot of the time but if there is one rule; it's that breast sizes only go in one direction around here. And smaller ain't it.


Space bunnies don't lure. They take what they want.

The Producer

Oh wow. The fortune teller one is great. Also love the tattoo design on the roommate witch.


Well if ya get your roommate knocked up its only fair your tits become huge so you can help with the breast feeding. Nice one with the male bootie expansion. Not even men are safe from getting big tits and ass in the Z-verse!


Knowing how it goes that guy will have tits bigger then his head by Tuesday, dye his hair pink, and by weeks end have dick/balls bigger then anything pants could ever hope to hide. Then in 6 months find it all too small and go even bigger.


Aww... I was hoping mine would make it in... T^T Oh well, still a great batch.


Whatever card game anime Bunny Dancer is from, I want at LEAST as many seasons as Yu-Gi-Oh has gotten.