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Mason Dunne

Oh no, the doctor musta been REALLY bored!


Ah, many boobs lady, I know your conundrum well... Other news: Mad Scientist and Doctor in Quotes are long lost twins / enemies separated by either a dimensional rift between a world that is mostly physics-compliant, and one that doesn't give a damn (or Mad Scientist is just bad enough at shrinking boobs to accidentally break physics, and they are instead separated by the distance between Than's Shady Club and Placeville, which I assume to be in Areazona). Any plans to get the stream images up, or will I have to spend the rest of my life dreaming of the sheep wall and Lord Gnarlington?


Indeed. This question raises serious issue, though: if Than still runs BOTH pATAgon AND that old “the only advertisiment for this place is world of mouth” establishment then why FTC and IRS need Alexis? Are Three-Letter Agencies of LBSM world so incompetent that they couldn't tie these two things together and prosecute Than (and, perhaps, pATAgon) because of mad doctor shenanigans or is there some deeper reason? P.S. Also doctor here looks exteremely similar to another unnamed character ( <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=2148431">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=2148431</a> 150403.jpg )… is it just a coincidence?

Darth Cabbage

I would say the multi breasted woman still has plenty of room for more breasts^^ Also have to say, always good to see more of the "doctor", especially with more upgrades.


Holy cow! Not only is this a great set of sketches but they also raise so many questions. I'm really curious about the Doctor's abomination... BUT! Could it be that the Doctor created Lu? That would be awesome. I assume Ysabel creating a larger sample sizes means that she's experimenting on her kids, which is awesome in a fictional universe, so WOO! Hope to see a group photo with them grown up with various modifications. Rhea acted a little shifty and Ysabel didn't seem convinced about her mistake. Could she be working on some kind of DNA splice induced pregnancy with Alex? I eagerly hope so! Male bunny studs for the win! Please, please, please continue with G. Be Brun's highly educational scientific report. Also, Zero-G sex problems fixed with cargo nets. Well done, a creative way to solve the problem and sexy as hell. Zdemian impresses again.


Brilliant! Always loving the "Doctor"! She easily remains in my top 3 favorite side-characters. And I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one that immediately thought of Lu. Perhaps the good doctor created her to act as a new lab assistant since her last one was relegated to secretarial work? Oooo. The plot thickens with Rhea and a potential pregnancy. And Ysabel suggesting that she experiments on her own kids? Tickle me intrigued and curious to learn more!


Looking forward to more of the warrens.


Good lord even the boobs are on sale.


It appears that everybody's having fun tonight on the Wang Chung. Not quite the dance hall days that Miss DeBrun was expecting, but bumping space junk with Sim probably makes up for it. Beats trying to live and die in L.A. I bet. Also, good to see Ysabel up and about again. It's been a while since the last check-up.