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Did you... get a corporate sponsor?

Clark Nova

Ugh. After a night of boozing with actresses tonight, I can not look at a beer. Just wish some of theme were as tasty and big as these girls.


Four bottles per person as a precaution, lol.


Newcastle? HERETIC! :P

Ree Mcgee

Looks like another fun party!

The Producer

This page brought to you by Newcastle!


In the grim future of bad drinks, there is only Newcastle.


Heather is looking fantastic! And if this goes the direction I think it does... Sadie gets a serious case of the size envy whenever alcohol is involved.


Heather's duck lips are a turnoff for me.The rest of her is great.It looks like Kay is losing her clothes as she speaks.

Darth Cabbage

Looks like another fun night of irresponsible expantion. (Crosses fingers for bigger lips on Heather)


I *really* hope not. Swelling have gone down a bit (her lips here are about 15% smaller then they were on page 15), but they are still too big. She's supposed to be G.A. at cell culture lab, not a whore, after all, and that's not a pATAgon but some kind of random “normal” med school.

Mason Dunne

For some reason involving "castle" products, I keep thinking "White Castle" beer would have been a great fictional beer.


Going by the medical waste tote Heather is dragging along, I'm guessing this next party might get Kay and Sadie to their starting point sizes. Still wondering about Heather... I'm guessing something happens to explain why Kay and Sadie stopped hanging out with her, Kay at least since she seems to be loving these "parties." Maybe Heather goes totally overboard and gets found out, losing her position at whatever med school she is at?


I think that's why Tuesday was skipped. Yeah, that's an obvious plothole: Heather figure shows us that Kay could have blown up her ass easily on these parties and she really desired it (was overjoyed when non-Stevie paid for it), yet it have never happened… why? I guess we'll know soon…


Ooh Heather looks good, need to ask for more of her the next sketch session. "Heather in a skimpy two piece enjoying the sun"...


Don't worry, I'm sure someone has an apple-tini ready for you somewhere.


I do concur with this idea! Skimpy swimsuit Heather all the way, baby!


Oh come on, it could have been worse (*cough* Corona *cough*). And someone else paid for it - which is always a plus!


Quickly! Everybody scream "SELLOUT" as loudly as you can! I'll begin setting up the discount torch and pitchfork emporium.


Oh, I'm behind on my quota. We hadn't seen Heather prior to these flashbacks because her slurry abuse gave her cancer everywhere and she died, and the moral of Sadie's story is to be happy with what you are (or you will die).


That's too sane for you (as in: this is exactly what could happen in “real life”™ if someone will abuse iPSCs too much). Also I'm not sure even Kay would be able to calmly continue to alter her body after such an event… such experience tend to scare people too much.


I'm loving Heather and her lips. I would love to see her more.