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Dem some big ol' baps


Well we have our Babwoman! Love the boob grenades.


“I’m not wearing hockey pads”


In the year 2XX9 in an attempt to profit from the growing body-mod trend in society, the powers that be in Hollywood begin to introduce parodied versions of popular existing film franchises. And while reception to these films was initially lukewarm the release of ‘Bapwoman’ saw a rapid shift in popularity for these new wave of films. And now nearly a century later the familiar “Caped Juggs of Justice” continues to receive regular sequels and reboots to oft critical acclaim.

Richard Handy

Unfortunately there was a wave of disapproval after the release of "Suicide Bras" ^_^

Richard Handy

So a young lady deciding what to model her suit to fight crime in was pondering when suddenly a bra flew into her parlor and inspired her? Most excellent.


'Suicide Bras' was pretty much dead-on-arrival. There were excessive re-writes and the studio took too many artistic liberties with the characters. I mean, 'The Kidder' was barely even pregnant in that film, and that's like half her character, literally! I really hope someone got fired over that blunder.


I like to imagine the girl asking "WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT? WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU AND ME?" Despite the answer being right between them and painfully obvious as Bapwoman's huge chest is pressed against her much smaller one