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Wouldn't it be considered undignified that her teats are showing?


I like the way the top of the waitress' uniform isn't smooth. It looks like she burst through a regular top and just said to hell with it.


Hmm… Picture of Sarah reinforces the notion that few years have passed between LBSM chapter 4 and LBSM chapter 5… I hope that we'll eventually know how much… Than's picture immediately raises the question about her relationship with her [former?] family. They look like kind of influential, wealthy yet “proper” family. I'm not all that sure they would support all the crazy Than's schemes. What are they thinking aboit pATAgon? About Than's breasts obsession? Or perhaps “proper” family was just a facade? Questions, questions, questions… And Mad Scientist's business attire looks as awful as I expected it would, LOL. All in all—very good set of sketches!

Mason Dunne

Of course Kowloon Cheesecake Factory doesn't need a slogan, it's word of mouth! Thanks Z!


I remember having a set of chocolate Monopoly as a kid where the hotels, houses and player pieces were chocolates wrapped in foil. We played one game, ate the chocolate and rendered it useless. I got a good laugh out of the business proposal. Very inventive design and setting for the bunny-ant girl. I'm much more interested in the space bunny colony system now.


Aw, 'kidnap a cute gamer girl' was in the number one spot when I last saw it.


Okay, so Than is from a rich and repressive family. Time for some hastily bullshit psychoanalysis and theorycraft. Ahem. Than's presumed mother (or wicked stepmother?) is pictured here as having something of an hourglass figure. Consequently, Than's fixation on breasts originated from a subconscious desire to surpass the repressive maternal figure (breasts being in this case symbolic of motherhood). Hence by "defeating" the mother in the field of mammaries, she proves to herself that she is no longer bound to maternal authority. Likewise, maidservant and maternal enforcer Eliza's relative lack of boobage taught Than, again on a subconscious level, that breasts = authority. Her quest for the largest breasts is, ultimately, a little girl's misguided quest for freedom and respect. It's quite touching, really. Stop making Than cute. Nevermind that I suggested it in the first place.