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So, Sadie gets drunk and gets to her current size on an irresponsible whim. And it turns out that Kay (and by extension, Sadie) met Miriam in the process of helping Heather job hunt. Oh, wait, sorry that's not nearly insane enough. I have a reputation to uphold. *ahem* You know who else we know who had black hair, light skin and her breasts enlarged?! Than Dall. Over the left half of these three panels, we have witnessed the birth of a villain. She just looks a bit more flushed than usual because she's not yet acclimated to the process.

Clark Nova

Inflateing yourself with medical waste... Come to think of it, it does not sound any less dangerous and unpredictable than any other cosmetic enhancements in this comic universe.


So now we know the expansion process.Good.And we know Kay has always been a thrill seeker and Sadie has always been the level-headed one.


Just realized....do her hair clips say "OK" as in her name (OK Computer)?


It's not a medical waste! From the description it looks kinda similar to iPSCs ( <a href="http://goo.gl/WDiuoD" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/WDiuoD</a> ). And process looks similar to how people in our universe use synthol to enlarge certain body parts ( <a href="http://goo.gl/bZZJrZ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/bZZJrZ</a> ). All in all does not look 100% legit, the whole thing looks extra-legal at best, but I guess even Sadie is not law-abiding enough to report Heather. I meah: yeah, she's level-headed one, but she's still a college student, it'll be a little strange to see her COMPLETELY lacking a rebel spirit. As for danger… it's probably not that dangerous if used in moderation but when you'll use gallons of that stuff… Saide is lucky that she have not developed any complications.


I very much enjoy your crackpot theories. Please keep doing that thing you do.

Fake Name

Is there no high-res download link for this page? Awwwww.


Brilliant back story so far! Can't wait for more :D


What are you talking about? It's in usual place: open the creation via <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=2281108">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=2281108</a> link, then look under picture for the small blue icon with the mountains. Patreon is kinda flaky: I've observed cases when “Kay happened” 150128.jpg picture disapperaed from <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1631674">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1631674</a> — but right now I could download both “Down in the New Up 14” and “Kay happened”.


My take on that reveal: when Heather used so much iPSCs slurry on Sadie that it endangered her life they were forced to call Heather's “med school” which exposed her and effectively cancelled all further “expansion parties”… which explains why Kay was forced to wait till non-Steavie involvement to increase her butt instead of using that slurry there, too… See? I, too, could dream up crazy theories, lol.


Boring theory: She might've just graduated and therefore not had access to stem cells to pass around anymore.


I believe Than's ruthlessness may be a side effect to the slurry.