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Big thanks to BioYugi, who wrote this short story starring Ms. Wainwright as Bar-wench #2!




Holy crud man. You said you liked it but to think you liked it that much. I'm flabbergasted. The art you did for this is perfect, like geezum almighty.


Ha! What fun! Love how you used the idea of “clearing her debt” as the catalyst for her willingly drinking more of the milk! Great way to tie it all together!


Great story! I’ll have to check out your page more often!


Thank you! When he drew that Wainwright's Woes pic I just had to figure out how she got to that point... she's so dang cute.

The Producer

Ooo thanks Bio! Great read!


She is definitely max-tier adorable. And I agree! Was also pondering how she might have arrived at that new supersized point! Liked the ending where Ma'En basically scoffs at the notion of "reversing" it. She might as well have been like; Babe, we are in a story set in the Zdemian-verse. Boob sizes only go in one direction around here. And "smaller" is the wrong answer.


Awesome story Bio really enjoy this story.


On another note; I do have one small selfish complaint. I kind of wish she had kept the glasses.


Her glasses are adorable. I just wanted to stay accurate to the last pic he'd already done with her at immobilizing boobs where she'd lost them.


I totally understand and agree. You made the right call in keeping with the story canon that we already had available. I would have done the same thing in your shoes. Just hated that she looked so damn cute with them and they promptly disappeared for good.


Woes as in, "Whoa!What a babe!"


Oh my god. This is amazing! She is fast becoming my favourite Z girl!


Oh she is absolutely perfect, just love this.


This was an absolute treat. More traditional breast expansion sequences, please. You're absolutely brilliant at this stuff


Guess she's never gonna work off that tab. :D


I'm imagining Ms. Wainwright's long-term fate is she actually makes a name for herself as "the Amazing Wainwright: the Barwench with the Fantastical Chest" and starts to actually make money even with Ma'En taking a cut at every turn. And at the end of the main story, Aric comes back by to pick her up only to find a packed house with bar patrons all cheering her name as she puts on another of her "shows". Wainwright meanwhile has come to love the attention.


Heh, interesting. For me, I would prefer if she still felt put-upon and annoyed by her situation. Maybe sure, getting used to her assets. Depends, likely, on how her boss feels if she sees her in that state, heh. The idea of her being super popular is really sweet though...


I just kind of feel like not since LBSM have we really had a relevant character that has honestly come to enjoy their new extreme size. With most characters in recent stories just begrudgingly accepting the changes (as you're suggesting for Wainwright) if not outright troubled by them. For as much breast expansion that we have around here a lot of it is treated with an air of negativity and resentment. And while I guess that sort of reaction is certainly much more "realistic" to what someone's actual reactions would be, it does kind of put a wet towel on the situation. I just want a little more happy boob growth time.