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More commissions featuring Mrs. Silber and other.




Oh my gosh, love these ladies. This is from the Delta G comic, right? That Magic Research Club Member, ho damn, she's really nice.


Well these are all a real treat! This series might have long since gone the way of the Dodo but it's fun getting these little one-pagers here and there! Especially with Ms. Silber. Since she is categorically the best.


Always happy to see more Silber!


Does this mean there will be a continuation of the Delta G Series, since it was left abruptly on a cliff hanger.


No, it was left abruptly due to the fact 90% of the characters were underage, and it got reported or something, if I recall.


ah right


Just to answer the million dollar question to the new folks that have been scratching their heads about these recent pictures. 'Delta G' was a story that occurred way back in the early days of this patreon that centered around a male student named Eddie that awakens one day to find himself transformed into a busty, hyper-preg magical girl that in addition to having the standard arsenal of "magical girl powers" could also imbue the same hyper-preg status onto any other woman by just imagining it. Needless to say hijinks ensue as pretty well everyone but Eddie tries to figure out what the hell is going on and what his transformation/powers could mean. Sadly, due to the story setting and the ambiguous ages of several of the main characters the story received some flak behind the scenes and was unceremoniously put on permanent hiatus.

The Producer

I’d love a revisit to this concept in the same universe. Maybe at a university