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Hmm a bar wench who’s boobs produce all manner of liquors


Very happy to see Bar-Wench #1/Tor again, mff that good. But holy crap the multi-titty bartender?! That's awesome!

Mason Dunne

Hahah! Multi-tit-armed bartender! AWESOME!

The Producer

This round of sketches was top quality. Something for absolutely everyone.


Looking good, Torem! Looking damn good!


Also, got to say I really dig the way you did the Cowgirl barmaid's dirndl. When I saw folks suggesting cowgirls I was trying to wrap my head around how a bodice would handle your cowgirl's customary 4 breasts. Needless to say I really enjoy the style you settled on!

Mason Dunne

Now that I think about it, it’s like she’s an off shoot of a dullahan, turning her head to take and send drink orders all around her!