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Hey, this can only end well. Rule of boobs. No change rule.


LOL. Many B/W comics have few color page at the beginning of the new chapters but “Down is the New Up” does the opposite: it looks like most of it will be in color yet start of it is B/W. So… how many OTHER things this thing will turn on it's ear?


You may think the previous pages were a flashback or something. You'd be wrong. Patagon spies on all their clients 24/7 with satellites that see through walls (and hear through space) but lack color video capabilities for some reason, and it just happens that the footage we saw matched her story. At the end it turns out we were Patagon all along.


If Patagon have satellites which are this powerful then I don't think FTC and IRS have a chance… yet it's still unclear why would they deceive their own workers like Caitlin… but I must admit that your idea have some strange appeal…


"Now what?"? Now:you go out and get yourself a boyfriend to wait on you hand and foot!Obviously!Call Patagon's Dating Service;they are bound to have a 100% success rate for matching up huge-breast-loving guys with ultra-zaftig women!


Um, aren't we nearing the end of the story? Unless I'm misreading it, but what further conflict is there beyond 'She learns to live with her new boobs?'


She looks absolutely gorgeous. With any luck she'll realize how awesome giant tatas are.


yay! i'm just so happy sadie is going to be back in this story.

Mason Dunne

Hope she doesn't pass out! Those took a pile of pizza boxes to fuel!


I don't know but we were promised “~25 pages total” and that's page number six…


More than that: if you'll compare page 2 and page 5 you'll see that bra have collected all the fat it could (not just from Jan's belly, but also from her arms, legs and so on) and transferred it all to her boobs. Which means that this bra could slim down someone like Charity Pierce overnight… if she's ready to haul 120″-130″ boobs after that, of course.


Yay! Sadie's getting some involvement! My headcanon is that despite her rather deadpan, snarky attitude Sadie actually has "a thing" for ladies growing huge breasts, which is why she was willing to go along with Kay in getting her own enhancements.


Come on! Take a look on “Kay happened” picture, 150128.jpg one, again: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1631674">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1631674</a> It's obvious that Sadie wasn't a big fan of huge boobs… but I'm pretty sure she'll be glad to see someone who harassed her so to share her pain. P.S. You DO remember that Jan WAS the one who critized Sadie's choice of shoes? “Tit-zilla” strip, 141218.jpg one here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1396626">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1396626</a> It does not look like Sadie have a steady boyfriend (or else Kay's efforts at the Thanksgiving time will make no sense), but by now we know that most Sadie harassers are her supposed female friends. Well, I guess Jan will now know just why Sadie's choice of shoes is… somewhat limited.


You bring up excellent points relating to the prior pages. I withdraw my theory. I guess my only curiosity then will be is this going to be a story of new friendship between the two of them? Or does Sadie have a more vengeful side?


You're probably the only one who remembered a sketch from three months ago.


Oh, OK. I thought this was a just a quick handful of pages.


Yeah, that was the plan, but then Zdemian asked $5+ patrons to decide what to do: continue the side-story till it'll have “~25 pages total” or “finish it with the next page and then start up LBSM part 6”. Here is the result: <a href="https://polldaddy.com/poll/8744006/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://polldaddy.com/poll/8744006/</a> Pretty clear-cut ballot if you'll ask me. Not even remotely similar to what happened when one-page filler was picked up: <a href="https://polldaddy.com/poll/8242731/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://polldaddy.com/poll/8242731/</a> There difference between first place and second place was measly three votes, here it's 4x difference between two choices. It would have been bettwe if Zdemian have actually voiced the result but I guess that he just forgot that only $5+ patrons could see $5+ posts, lol…


Well at least they didn't render her immobile...well hopefully.


I don't think they will render her immobile and/or in the need of Atlas-produced gadget, but she will need to relearn many things: how to walk, how to sit down and stand up, etc. We've basically made a full circle. History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes and in a sense we are going back to the beginning. Recall how the very first pages of LBSM portrayed Sadie's attempt to use Alexis-produced program (specifically: volume 2) to learn to cope with these endowments. Now it's time for Jan to use that some program.


Is this like LBSC, where there will be like 20+ pages then back to LBSM part 6??


Yup. That option have gotten overwhelming support - 80% of votes: <a href="https://polldaddy.com/poll/8744006/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://polldaddy.com/poll/8744006/</a> It's better than LBSC in some sense. LBSC had pre-dermined outcome while this side-story is more open-ended...