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Is that the girl from Pen-Island?


Chase is great. It's been fun watching his transformation into the ultimate sex-addicted shemale over the years.

Rose Lalonde

Who is chase what did i miss


More Chaaaase


Oh boy! To make a very long, multi-year story short. Chase was a hired goon/enforcer for Than Dall in the early chapters of LBSM. However, he had the personality of a stereotypical "Dudemanbro" and was completely inept at everything that he was ordered to do. However, rather then just firing him Than saw an opportunity to hand him off to "The Doctor" for job reassignment. However, that reassignment involved him being medically transformed into a shemale with hyper-attributes. After the transformation he was re-employed at Than's body-mod burlesque house as a showgirl/waiter. However, at some point he was able to leave Than's employment permanently and now a days pops up in the occasional picture either making his old partner, Fetcher, uncomfortable or being shown to be an unapologetic deviant. But often both at the same time.


Good to see Chase is back!


Bunny is back with bigger boobs... probably as big or bigger than her superior


Wow, haven't seen Chase in a long time.

Richard Handy

Is Chase from a previous comic series?


You know, pretty sure getting turnes intersex is the best thing to happen to Chase.