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I love when the obvious answer is the wrongest possible. :D


I like where this is going, more please


I would also love if her booty grew too and if we could see the weight


My breathing is the heaviest it's ever been in anticipation of what's coming up next.


I was hoping that too.The rest of her was fine as it was,and giving her a Shoujo-boy frame wouldn't help.


That Pizza King logo needs to appear more. XD Pizza delivery girls wearing it and whatnot. Other than that, this is gonna be awesome.


ahah can't wait to see how big she's gotten


That bra is doomed, her chest will destry it by outgrowing


Depends on it's programming, lol. After all bra itself is cause of growth! It could stop dispersing “proprietary topical treatment”. More interesting question is: will she be able to move under her own power? In the top frame she's about ½ of Sadie's size—but how much have she grown after that? We don't know… my guess is that she should actually be able to carry these babies without help from Atlas gadgets but will need to use the titular Alexis-produced tapes (disks? downloadable files?) a lot before she'll be able to do that comfortably.


I think the bra is converting all of her excess caloric gain and body fat to breast tissue, only way I could see that happening is if it started malfunctioning. Which considering it's stuck and the size of her bosoms is gonna start damaging it...is a strong possibility.