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As a theme for this week, let's draw some... WAR MACHINES!




Obviously armored airships have to come into play at some point!


How about a lock and load montage with Miriam and her Cowloon and Space Bunny associates, from when she was a special agent?


Two words: "Tank ass".

Mason Dunne

Okay, this may be more prank than weapon of war; a Boost Bomb, delivered via a beach ball system and generally is targeted and utilized like in a large venue, like a rock concert or sporting event. Or it could be a form of a dirty bomb that is used in crowded areas. More Weaponized Blueberries! Featuring shoulder mounted heavy howitzer cannons, or long range missle launchers, shoulder mounted sniper cannons, micro missle launchers. Sorry, the W.Blues. are the best I could think of. Boobs utilized like fuel tanks for a flame thrower system. Butts so large that are used as earthquake or impact machines when they twerk. Cyborg weapons platforms, bottom half comprised of walking tank legs, or those walking combat legs, with weapon arms and shoulder mounted equipment with chest and torso armament with electronic HUD helmets, akin to a mechamusume.

george solis

So what made you choose a submarine launched Harpoon anti-ship missile ? If you really want to do lots of damage you should have used a submarine launched ballistic missile like a Trident D-5 MIRV. Now, that's the ticket ! ;)


For more a grounded idea, strike fighters/attackers through the years represented by women dressed in the appropriate flight suits. Prim and proper regalia for a WWI biplane, badass leather jacket and flight cap for a WWII P-47 Thunderbolt (incidentally nicknamed the Jug for its "exaggerated" curves *wink*), classic Soviet cosmonaut-style suit for the hefty Su-25 "Frogfoot", and an Air Force pressure suit with a high-tech modern helmet for the massive F-15E Strike Eagle. Basically the concept behind Flight Highschool, but Zdemian-ified. Now for a sci-fi bent, nothing quite beats a squad of future Valkyries streaking down from orbit, rifles barking at the hapless enemy, clad in power armor straight out of Starship Troopers, and bellowing out a roar that could guarantee anyone a place in Valhalla. AMA: Cowloon obviously has plenty of experience with genetic alterations. If they have a military or defense force, is the average soldier modified to all hell or are they still relatively normal as far as a bovine-human hybrid can be. AMA: Natalia could harden her arms Colossus-style; can she do that to her entire body? Is metal the only material they could morph into, or can she do different things/make herself softer and superhumanly malliable? AMA: How's Capi doing these days? We haven't seen much of the little guy lately.


An orbital disintegration cannon powered by the sexual energy of thousands of bunny girls in the throws of ecstasy. Let's get medieval. How about a trebuchet that uses a girl with Than sized boobs as a counterweight. A mech warrior woman, who stores her ammo in her butt, is getting "resupplied" and appears to be enjoying it a bit too much.


Chase with a ballistic missile cocksock at full mast? Tit Tank. Air-dropping a super BOOST'd gal like a nuclear bomb and a huge boob shaped explosion?


Using Boost as a bioweapon against a culture of Amazons to cripple their military capabilities.


The Paris Gun


You'd just be giving them biological battering rams you fool!