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Looking back on this, I liked her marshmallow. Wish she kept it.


I'm sure someone's plan is totally gonna backfire ^^


And this is why you should always cross your i-s and dot your t-s. I can already think of 3 ways this can go wrong. 1. Jan got the calculations wrong and while her waistline will be fine, her boobs will be WAY bigger than anticipated. 2. She'll get the chest she wants, but her belly is going to try it's hardest to keep up the size race. 3. Her fat will permanently move up north and make a nice home for any incoming pounds. Like two wobbling heat sinks but for calories. Then again, anything could happen. Hell, Jan might even come out of this with everything she was looking for without a side-effect in sight.


This will end totally well. Totally. Her expression in the last panel is adorable, by the way.


This can end in nothing but greatness.


god, I hope she gets fatter


If she wants to make everyone jealous she'll have to become bustier than Sadie.


Seems odd there isn't a pronounced fat fetish population in this world. I assume the real reason is Z-man doesn't want to draw fat chicks, but still...


I'm pretty sure there are all kinds of fetishes in the LBSM world (just like there are a lot of fetishes in our world). They are just… elsewhere. Recently Tea have revealed that chounyuu.com attracted over 70'000 visitors in last month. That's quite a lot of people with the same fetish, right? Well, yeah, but if you'll think about from the other way it means that if you pick million random people among of them you'll find out 15, may be 20 chounyuu lovers. Think about it: 15 or may be 20! Out of million! Of course people with the same fetish tend to congregate (people are social animals, you know) which means that there are some places where you could find someone who loves exteremely big boobs without passing among tens of thousands of “normal” people (it'll be hard to find someone who DOES NOT like exteremely big boobs in the middle of “President's Plaza” in pATAgon, LOL) and there are probably places where fat admirers are congregate, too, but among “normal” people (and we were leads to believe that Sadie lives amon “normal” people) both are quite rare.


...oh dear. Huh, her build did not really suggest her being chubby though, most gals don't just have a nice little marshmallow like that and skinny arms/legs/smallish butt/boobs.


It happens. I've seen people like these. It's especially embarrasing for girls: people in real life assume (just like you did here, heh) that they are pregnant and, naturally, ask them about it… which leads to really awkward scenes. This means they agonize over their weight significantly more than “normal” fat gals.