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Yay! That's Alexis for you: kick her dozen of times and she'll learn a thing or two… in conjunction with Rhea's abilities and Cowloon's support she does have a chance. Not a large chance, but yes, a real chance. If they'll use full capabilities of Miriam (I mean C.A.P.I., lol) and Ysabel they may even pull that off! P.S. And I would really like to know how that pose actually works. I mean: Alexis' tits are much larger than her body which means that if she's under them for real then they should overhang quite a bit over Alexis body and Rhea. But here it looks like they don't actually do that. How's THAT is achieved? Do they use special bed or are they actually so pliable as to make that pose possible? Inquiring minds want to know!


Those angles. Those poses. The SQUISHINESS! Everything looks tantalizingly soft and pliable. It's what I've always loved about your style Zed.


Special bed with anti-gravity bolsters would be the only logical solution.The previous strip shows Alexis' breasts pointing upright while she's on her back,but they don't cascade all over her. The close up of Alexis' GORGEOUS face:priceless.Now we know what it would be like to wake up next to her!


I'm not sure anti-gravity bolsters would be able to achieve that. Compare second frame to third one. Alexis decollete in the second frame looks like pretty narrow one while in third frame her boobs are basically half-uncovered. Dialogue looks like these two frames are just seconds apart. How passive bolsters could help to achieve that? Which means that it's result of movement of Alexis body—but her body is not large enough to cause such effects! Remote-controlled antigravity-pads? Could be, but then it does not look like she did a conscious effort to use these. And if they employ implants-based BCI to move her breasts around then why have she used non-invasive helmet-style BCI to drive her figurehead? Questions, questions… P.S. Or I may just overthink things again and this is yet another contingency mistake… Zdemian does these from time to time… although usually between pages, not between frames…


You mean "consistency mistake",right?I think since Alexis had an anti-grav bra at the very beginning it's only logical she has them and they're simply out of frame.She and all women with those size proportions must have become accustomed to the technology needed to keep their breasts from cascading over them.Otherwise there would be a lot of fatalities in Patgon from just sleeping.


Yeah, I meant “consistency mistake”, of course. As for “otherwise there would be a lot of fatalities in Patgon from just sleeping”… nope. Sure women like Alexis (and even much smaller ones) will need their anti-gravity gadgets to walk, but if they will be turned off (broken or sabotaged) then their expreience will be basiclaly “beached whale” experience, not “broken ribs” experience. Even in case where woman's body is directly under her breasts and breasts are pliable enough to cause uniform pressure distribution (quite unrealistic assumption) they will cause overload of just about 2.5-3G in case of Alexis. That's because of simple geometric fact: over 99% of mass will not be pressurizing her body, it'll lie directly on bed or floor. Human could endure such overloads for hours! Even untrained ones! In case of Than (as we've seen her last time) situation will be somewhat more dire: it'll be closer to 5-7G, which is serious but STILL not a life-threatening, it's not even enough to cause loss of consciousness. She'll need to be about 10 times larger for such accident to cause loss of consciousness and about 100 times larger for that problem to become potentially life-threatening! P.S. But of course there are psychological effects: 3-4G may be something trained human could endure for hours (heck, some rollercoasters operate at 4.5G: <a href="http://goo.gl/eJHUaZ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/eJHUaZ</a> ), but it's most likely not something one would enjoy. Sudden 1.2G-1.5G overloads when aircraft jerks because of air pockets cause most passengers to start praying and then talk about “awful G force” endlessly even if in reality it's not even close to being dangerous. If Alexis experience ( <a href="http://goo.gl/I8ePLO" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/I8ePLO</a> ) is not unique then these occurances could be legendary among citizens of pATAgon, but nope, they are not life-threatening.