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Thanks to Azul for his invaluable input




The "if you die in the game you die in real life" trope but in this case all of the losing players in a vr arena shooter become pregnant women (instead of dying, of course)


Couple simple ideas. 1.) A busty gal with an 80s hacker-punk look, settles in for an evening of VR surfing the web. In an amusing twist her digital avatar is an even bustier Sailor Moon styled magical girl character. 2.) The city-state of Patagon is experiencing a surge in 80's nostalgia style arcade-bars. However, the old style arcade cabinets are proving to not be always accommodating for some of the more well-endowed clientele. As is evident with the three super busty ladies currently trying to "squish-in" around the same multi-player console.


A sequel to the futa-console, with a bunch of hyperpregnant futas in the comp scene, playing before a wild audience. Boner points if they’re using their opponents’ dongs instead of their own to play!

Mason Dunne

Coin-Op arcade except the currency of choice is fleshlight slot in place of a ¢25 slot. Most frequenters of the arcade have heavy hangers, even quads. Some even play single-man multiplayer and have multiple dicks of their own in the P1-P4 slots.


Tracer from Overwatch with just a massive ass. Or, a guy turning into his avatar in real life and then changing it to be even more hyper-busty and lewd.


Eri-chan has to save cyber-space. Also Otacoon has an avatar, because why not


or maybe a VR tour of Wonka's factory that has real world effects


A super busty futa plays through the 2005 Wonka movie and purposefully eats the 3 course gum. Hi-jinks ensue as the NPCs come across her in her new state.


Always support seeing more Eri-chan! Heck, I could easily see your idea as another entire comic with Eri saving the DIMPOL mainframe from some rogue computer program.


Part of me wants CAPI to be the program, and another part wants CAPI to help Eri save the day in that scenario.


If I recall right doesn't the Eri-chan universe have a CAPI equivalent? Her robot companion from the Interdimensional comic. Also, noticed you got a shoutout from Z. Do we have you to thank for this weeks prompt?


Someone hacking their character modification sliders so they've got big bulgy bits everywhere.