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Mason Dunne

Don’t be so modest!~

The Producer

Oh hell yes Z. Been waiting for your take on a Tanuki.


OH. MY. GOD! That Tanuki is adorable!


There is no part of this page I don't like.


So a Tanuki Gal, an Oni Gal, and a Tengu Gal walk into a bar... and only the Tanuki walks out again because she got utterly smashed and knocked up the other two to the point they can't fit through the (admittedly narrow) entrance way. Anyway, it's super neat to see you continue to take on Japanese folklore like this! :D


Really liking this comic. Wonder how our gal will handle this, super strong sword or magic brush. On a side note, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Japanese lore say a Tanuki's testicles are so large they have sling them over their shoulder just to be able to move around? Whether that's right or not I still like the design.


Z actually did a damn good job on making his Tanuki girl surprisingly lore accurate in regards to the demi-god tanuki. Her design is stellar in my book.


Ugh. I hate being at odds with myself. On one hand, Z tackling one of my favorite subjects, Japanese Folklore. On the other, Z tackling one of my least liked subjects, Futa. Hopefully this will be a quick fight and the heroine doesn't walk away with something ELSE to swing around..


Keen for some PE :)


Heck yeah! I am so looking forward to this fight. Here’s hoping that those fat Tanuki balls end up even bigger by the end!


Tanuki are shapeshifters, what is to say this isn't a guy with boobs?


I'm well aware what Tanuki are, so it is within the realm of plausibility, but it does not mean I find the subject matter any more enticing ^^;


I certainly can understand different tastes and fetish preferences and respect that futa isn't "your thing". However, that is a rather selfish and even mean-spirited thing to say that you essentially hope that this next scene is "hurried along" all because it doesn't jive with your own preferences. There have been times Z has done things in his stories that I didn't always 100% like but I knew that there was a lot of other fans that were super excited with the fetish being shown and I respect that enough to not openly express how I hope that moment is skimmed over.


Human beings are selfish creatures by nature, and while I don't necessarily disagree with you, I would like to point out that-just like the rest of us here-I am paying for this artwork to be made. Sure, Z's got a well deserved 800+ subscribers, but I am still contributing to this sum, and I equate it to being at a restaurant where I have given the chef money and asked to be brought food. If I am served something I do not particularly care for, I feel it is within my rights as a consumer to let the establishment know. Will my dislike of Futa stop Z from drawing them? I doubt it. Should I remain silent about the matter when I am paying for content? I don't think so.


Wasn't trying to say anywhere in my comment that you should "be silent". Was only really referring to the second part of your original statement. Just asking for some common courtesy toward other folks when a fetish is getting its day in the limelight. Because the shoe might be on the other foot at some point. And to reference your metaphor, we are still all at the same table.