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Patreon isn't uploading the full-size as an attachment, don't know why.




Holy crap, that's pretty amazing, man.


Implants, huh. Well, that nacely explains why she now have visible veins while she never had them before: her holy “character designs” have changed because Than herself have changed… and not just in size. P.S. It would have been great if it was actually possible to download full-sized page here, but it looks like THIS time Patreon decided to break THAT feature. It acted up for me in the past (there was time where it was impossible to visit “my account” page, or send a message, or even just look on old posts, etc) thus it's not TOO surprising. Let's hope it'll be fixed next Tuesday and you'll be able to just attach two full-sized pages to the next post.


Lol, clever, but let's not jump down that rabbit hole again and enjoy the page.


I find it interesting that this is her method for increasing her size. Is she too concerned with Boost? Does that mean it's still not safe?

Darth Cabbage

Oh my god yes! This chapter just keeps getting better and better to me! Than has switched to implants AND she is still going bigger!? That's almost too good to be true.


hopefully patron acts right soon. i love viewing all the details of the full size pics


I'm not really sure why I'm surprised. As I wrote before ( <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1640527">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1640527</a> ) LBSM is at level 4 on the Mohs Scale ( <a href="http://goo.gl/qjS4XP" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/qjS4XP</a> ) which means that breasts couldn't grow without limit here. Heck, we even have “world of god” in the subject ( <a href="http://goo.gl/KeFpA9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/KeFpA9</a> ). And visible veins were dead give-away… yet somehow I've still expected some kind of [possibly external] life-support system, not implants. Silly me.


can someone help me explain the term "fill up" in reference to implants? does this mean she is actually getting better every week??


I understand where you come from but, well, I guess at tome point Than have just faced a dilemma: to stop growing or to switch to implants. I'm pretty sure it was hard decision for her to make since she's not all that fond of implants, but, well, if you want to have breasts larger than whales (and I mean here quite LITERALLY larger than most blue whales: largest known blue whale weighted 190 tonns and if my calculations are correct then ONE breast Than would have weighted 150-180 tonns if it were “natural”) then you don't have much choice. Couple interesting question to ask: 1. Just how large Than was BEFORE she was forced to switch to implants. 2. Just what are these implants using as filler? Saline is the most natural, of course, but e.g. helium will eventually make it possible for Than to move without anti-gravity bras.


I would't call that process as “getting better”, but yeah. As was discussed before ( <a href="http://goo.gl/EZlILP" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/EZlILP</a> ) such technology exist in our world, too—except on MUCH smaller scale ( <a href="http://goo.gl/m5zY1B" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/m5zY1B</a> ).

strange lights

I like that she's watching herself grow on the HUD


This is AWESOME! I love controlled expansion vs implants! Also, the display shows she is close to 30.0m = 30 million cc per implant

Mason Dunne

I'm starting to get the impression that Than doesn't care what she uses anymore, I think she just enjoys the experience of growing. Weather or not it's in a sexual way or just to see herself grow bigger. I'm starting to wonder that since she moved past boost, would she utilize a special gas, aerogel (lighter than air material used as space shuttle insulating tile) or string implants. I know it's a "don't think too hard" but I suspect aerogel or a specialized gas or combination of. I wonder how her autotailor works for her.


Yeah, I think so to. Once upon time she wanted more natural breasts, but when she reached the wall and find out that it's either implants or “no growth” (gasp) she stopped caring. String implants are entirely useless at this point: they cause swelling via water retention. That's much less healthy then natural tissue growth caused by Boost. Aerogels could be used as structural inserts but not much more: “despite their name, aerogels are solid, rigid, and dry materials that do not resemble a gel in their physical properties” ( <a href="http://goo.gl/QiYIoH" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/QiYIoH</a> ). “Special gas”… that one has a potential. Although it will feel less natural than fluids (but does Than really care at this point?) and there is grave danger that if it'll reach the veins it could clog them… It could only be part of more complex multi-layer implant, but yeah, it could be used to grow breasts the size of Zeppelins which are MUCH larger then what we've seen before (as I've already theorized: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1318022">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1318022</a> ). And as for “don't think too hard”… that's not my experience with LBSM so far: it's the direct opposite. Zdemian thinks really hard about what's feasible and what's not feasible from actual science POV. His “One Big Lie” ( <a href="http://goo.gl/0YH4Ig" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/0YH4Ig</a> ), is, surprisingly enough, not the science behind breast expansion or even cowgirls (they are strange and unnatural creatures, sure, but could easily be explained e.g. by crazy experiment of pre-historical alien scientist) but just the science behind anti-gravity gadgets… which don't really affect plot all that much.


I think she eventually wants a satellite for her boobs


Than's Creed:"Yes to excess,yes to obsess!"


...so she went with implants instead of BOOST? That tears it, there must be SOMETHING wrong with it at larger sizes/continued usage.


As I already wrote just a few hours ago: there's nothing wrong with Boost per se. The problem is different: Boost or no Boost a real, live, breasts could only grow so much and present sizes are beyond the safety imit. It's not as if it's some suddenly discovered truth—as I already wrote ( <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1596614">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1596614</a> ) Plato Voltaire talked about it 15 years ago in his “A Growing Cause For Concern” ( <a href="http://goo.gl/RfQDOa" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/RfQDOa</a> ): “There is a finite limit on how large a woman's bust could get before it endangers her life. Even with nanites, micropumps, and super-resilient skin, a woman with a bust/height ratio greater than 20 stands a 0.5% risk of dying each day. Infection, sudden collapse of breast structure, heart failure, coma, stress, and stroke are a few of the possible causes.” We even have “The World of God” ( <a href="http://goo.gl/5OAWaJ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/5OAWaJ</a> ) on subject! Zdemian himself wrote almost two years ago: “I would assume the level of technology displayed to this point allows for devices like mechanical hearts to be implanted. … The more substantial question would be the fact that so much mass would make her resting metabolism exceptionally high; and might be the real limiting factor to how big they could get.” ( <a href="http://goo.gl/KeFpA9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/KeFpA9</a> ). At this point Than would need some external life-support system permanently attached to support “so much mass” or significant percentage of said mass must not be living one, it's as simple as that. Given the fact that Than spurned implants before I, personally, expected life-support system hidden somewhere in the cleavage, but it looks like Than deemed that approach “impractical” and decided to go with implants instead. Not sure why I'm surprised: prominently shown veins were a dead give-away.