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strange lights

great new angle for beholding the biggest of big tits ~


than is amazing.


Well… that answer leaves more questions than answers. Women who like huge breasts exist, sure. But they are few and far between. Still… people are gullible. With an appropriate propaganda they would accept “new reality” where multi-ton breasts are desirable easily. Is that why we were asked to help with a movie posters, hmm…? Legal repercussions are harder to circumvent, though. As we already discussed ( <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1492810">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1492810</a> ) restaurant like Hooters ( <a href="http://goo.gl/hBtdo2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/hBtdo2</a> ) can get away with their racy uniform and everything because of “bona fide occupational qualifications” ( <a href="http://goo.gl/OUDmon" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/OUDmon</a> ): not only their handbook says “customers can go to many places for wings and beer, but it is our Hooters Girls who make our concept unique, the limitation is only for employees who directly interact with customers. Even so, they were sued and were forced to pay for discrimination ( <a href="http://goo.gl/UTgkIa" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/UTgkIa</a> ). Here… I doubt court will easily buy that “no one is being “forced”” line. I'm not saying that it'll be impossible for the pATAgon to settle, but that will be quite a costly affair. The fact that Amelia want to become a lawyer certainly asserts that law is important in the LBSM world…


Well, sure. Except it's not clear how that angle have hidden veins on her funbags. They were acutely visible couple of pages ago on the picture where it was hard to even distinguish Than's eyes and glasses yet on the close-up shot… they disappeared, huh… What happened? Usually it's the other way around: close-ups make them more visible, not less!

Darth Cabbage

Su-Z-Q's reactions just keep getting better. And I love how Than can just continue like nothing is happening. New head cannon, Than is always doing stuff like that to herself when she thinks no one is looking, so now she is just kind of used to it.


I feel like something CRAZY is about to happen. She's going to take her breasts off? She's going to be milked?


I don't think Su-Z Q is the only one who had this reaction. Rhea did something very similar, remember ( <a href="http://goo.gl/Ez3Sml" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/Ez3Sml</a> ). My guess is that Than is just accustomed to that by now. I just hope that she retained sensitivity in her endowments and will eventually ask Su-Z Q to stop hugging her. It'll be a pity to have boobs that are so stretched out that they no longer have a working nerve ending left.


I don't think Than would love completely prosthetic detachable boobs. I've theorized about detachable breasts almost two years ago ( <a href="http://goo.gl/bWvkSi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/bWvkSi</a> ) when Zdemian drew Alexis breasts which looked like they are deatachable ( <a href="http://goo.gl/ob45xQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/ob45xQ</a> ) and that idea was rejected back then. Milking is possible, though unlikely—we've seen no tubes or anything like that (as on the page 82: <a href="http://goo.gl/HgPiUA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/HgPiUA</a> ). No, given Than's track record I would expect something to happen to Marigold and/or Su-Z Q, although I have no idea what… gynoid equipped with breast implants is too stupid of an idea even by LBSM's standards.


This is incredible. This is exactly the answer I was hoping to hear from Than. Just wanting bigger boobs for the sake of having giant tits. Also I'm so envious of Suze right now.


So it's that simple,huh?Than loves breasts,and loves to make hers the biggest.Vanity.Hubris.Not much of a surprise,since Than Dall has shown that she's an egomaniac,plain and simple.Manipulating others purely for her entertainment. I was actually hoping there would be some greater purpose to this Enforced Gigantomastia. It seems Suze also shares a love of big boobs.Does her android body have sufficient sense of touch to really enjoy what she's doing in this panel? What I want to hear is what sort of "perks" there are to having a bust that's measured in "dome" size rather than "cup" size. Are we going to meet any MALE characters in Patagon?I'd love to know their POV about this.


If Suze tries that in Than cleavage it would be Submarinin'!


Yeah I'm sharing her opinion on the whole "to work for me you need huge boobs" to be honest. And what is this...time thing? DAMMIT the suspense is killing me.


there was one dude walking with his big-boobed girl in p114, but agreed I'd love to see more interaction!


"Patagon administrative district" doesn't identify all of Patagon as an administrative district,but identifies one district of Patagon,be it a conglomerate or a community(namely the city Marigold described as "such a shithole" and "a ghost town"),as being set aside for adminsitrative purposes. Rhea describes her title as being a combination of CEO and Grand Poobah;"Mater Familias" may be rooted in tribal origins,but Cowloon is a Corporate State,and I doubt that Tribal Policies are practiced there.It has not yet been verified that these human-cow hybrids are an actual tribe.The may actually have been genetically engineered from regular humans from countries all over the world.


I'm not a native speaker thus perhaps I misunderstood something, but don't see how “Patagon administrative district” could designate “one district of Patagon”. I was under impression that “one district of Patagon” should be named “Patagon's administrative district” (with an “'s”). Am I wrong? And I don't see where “district set aside for adminsitrative purposes” idea comes from, too. Dictionary defines “administrative district” as “a district defined for administrative purposes” ( <a href="http://goo.gl/AWPRuy" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/AWPRuy</a> ). And “a district defined for administrative purposes” just means that it's part of a larger state with it's own administration but without it's own legislation. It's not “set aside” and it certainly is not supposed to only contain administration. That name just means that rules of the larger state apply, people from outside of Patagon may NOT freely decide how it should be governed and, most important here, that migration across Paragon's borders is not regulated by Patagon. By using words “administrative district” Zdemian just BEGGING to raise questions of legislation and reaction of neighborhoods! That's why I immediately started asking such questions when Patagon was introduced… Now Cowloon. Cowloon is different. It's very much a “State”. State, Corporate or not, by it's very definition, is a sovereign political entity (although it may delegate it's power if it's part of federation or confederation) which means distinct laws and immigration control. I'm pretty sure that Tribal Policies are no longer practiced there, but citizens of Cowloon are still very much citizens of Cowloon, they are not forced to live by someone's else law. As for “the may actually have been genetically engineered from regular humans from countries all over the world”… sure, they could be created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster or something, but such explanations look pretty drawn out and strained. To me the simplest explanation for why Cowloon is a state and uses tribal titles is the most natural one: Cowloon was once a tribe of cowgirls which grew up to become a “Corporate State”. It's most likely is not large enough to have it's own viable army thus it could only be a viable state while it's solvent.


How great would it be if the two reporters end up with massive boobs somehow...