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Jesus christ that futa one is insane. And I'm glad you used the Pink Lantern idea

Mason Dunne

Dang, FAC mascot girl’s got it made!


And that store clerk was never heard form again

Darth Cabbage

Hell Yeah! Looks like Fut-A-Center is finally stepping up their game! Hmm, is Kim the Turducken, the "Chimaera Girl"? If so, love the new look, always happy to see more of her!


The women unintentionally squishing the store clerk between their breasts is my favorite. I'm a simple man. I love overly endowed women doing everyday activities. Its just such a fun mix between real and fantastical.


Ah! You used my oath for the Pink Lantern! I'm honoured.


I'm just wondering what the two ladies are arguing over?Will the delivery boy try to help reach a settlemet,or just sit it out?This must be one of the risks of the job...or the perks.

Nathan Weber

I hope the Augment Hut clerk can get workman's comp. :)


All of these are so damn good. Kim the chimera looks, actually really cool, as a turducken. That fut-a-center rep looks so damn squishy! Great work.