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george solis

Funny page. Can't wait to see the President. :)


Haha, nice keyhole sweater reference! xD


Interesting. We are seeing more and more “familiar faces” (Than, Mistress), but only on “pictures in pictures” (banners, etc). Does it mean something? We are forced to wait again. I like that “walls of text” are no longer with us. Really. But the fact that story now takes month of real time (our time) to go somewhere is really annoying side effect. Oh, well, we couldn't have everything simultaneously, I guess we could only wait.


"Cleavage window", that is priceless lol Awesome plaza and reaction too!


“Cleavage window” is not something Zdemian invented, you know. This is extremely popular trope: <a href="http://goo.gl/O9ruz4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/O9ruz4</a>


Wow;Marigold and Maggie are really getting bowled over by all the "Bewbs"!I,on the other hand,will not be surprised at what awaits them in the President's office.Will it be someone like Than?Bigger?Smaller?A MAN? The slowness of the story's progression is kind of diminishing the suspense.I'm starting to Miss Than Dall's scheming and mischievous antics.


A man? You mean like Rudolf Hagen and Delmo Corps ( <a href="http://goo.gl/qFIW0N" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/qFIW0N</a> )? This sure as hell will be amusing, explain why the rest of the staff is female-only, and could move story in completely different direction, but I don't think that's what Zdemian had in mind. As for sloweness… let's wait and see. Indeed preamble starts to look a little too long, but I hope that little tidbits of the information shown here and there will be used in the end. It's still better than “wall of text” effect which we've observed in the past.


I love the orange and cream shirt.


Now I am fairly certain that Patagon is a boob grower company whose primary business is making girls' boobs massive. I also have a feeling that we might be seeing Than again soon...


Also, LOVE this panel. It's great to see a bunch of girls at this size and see it be the complete norm. It's interesting to compare the seedy underworld of "modders" from the beginning of the comic and this very established, corporate world. It makes me wonder how much total time has passed since the beginning?


This could be a difference in disposition, not time. What's considered “seedy underworld” in one place in another one could be a well-established industry. Think wine: average frenchman consumes couple of gallons each year but in other places (e.g. in Saudi Arabia) you could be sentenced to death for a smaller quantity! Or another example: gambling is illegal in most places in US but in Nevada it's allowed. This created huge industry there and even whole towns (think Las-Vegas) dedicated to gambling. If Than managed to create a place where Boost is legal while most other places have banned it… yes, it could explain what the Patagon does and many other peculiarities, too.


Well i mean if you think about it, a lot of time probably has passed. kay got pregnant and had her baby after all!


Nope. That may be part of it, but it couldn't be the whole story or else Chase's “Promotion” will make no sense.