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Vlada Markov is having the same problems as Kay with excessive ass-mass! The look on her face is saying,"It's all good;no problems!" She must have the best wardrobe department in the Solar System.


Wow. Chibi Alexis is cute but she sure have changed… and I'm not talking about just boobs. Alexis on page 91 was easily recognizable as Alexis even without her insanely huge breasts, but this one… I'm not sure I would have been able to recognize her without caption.


I'm wondering how a song based on Poincaré mapping would go.... That's some seriously advanced mathematics there!


Now im super curious what her family life is like. Does Alexis still have a relationship with her parents and siblings? Would be an interesting interaction to see what they think of her breasts...


It took me ages to work out "boobs in a bucket", but when I did it made me chuckle. The pregnant cowgirl looks delightfully awkward and young Alex is adorable beyond words. You're really starting to add a lot of detail to these sketches. I'm loving it. Keep up the good work.