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Some day that will be a real technology


Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor... DAAAYYYMM! <a href="http://youtu.be/3JpwjnMFlJI?t=46s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://youtu.be/3JpwjnMFlJI?t=46s</a>

Ree Mcgee

Love this page


Wow. Now THAT makes some sense even if it's not clear why such a complicated gadget is applied by something called Auto-Tailor v2.06. The establishment is bound to be huge to warrant something mass-produced like this, though. Just how large it is? And what they are DOING in there to need so many large-breasted gals???


A V.I. bra and growth panels, fantastic! Looking forward to the next 40 inches. I'm interested in the growth being administered by a robotic device that can monitor progress. It makes me think that this isn't Than's company since Miriam made a similar size jump with when she mistakenly applied the boost patches. Why not use boost here? This and the chapter title image gives me the feeling that Than has competition and a battle of the boobs is about to ensue.


This could be Boost-based thing easily. Miriam have used original, half-refined formula, NOT Boost. Boost is MUCH less potent, but individual reaction vary. Sarah grew substantially from a few patches she have used (but she was still many times smalelr than Miriam afetr just two!) while Emily was [relatively] small after quite a long application of Boost untill she snapped and went Boost-crazy which ended in a disaster. My guess is that bra with monitoring and automatic application is used to prevent Emily-accidents. As for whether it's Than's company or not… that one looks… how to say… “too legit” for Than, but perhaps it's just a cover?

Mason Dunne

I like the hologram adds for the SpacePub uniform, almost like she's a binary moon system with rings!

Darth Cabbage

Hmm, I wonder if this is not a year(or possibly more) later. This seems a much more refined, and controled way of increasing ones breasts than the crude, often unknowable effects of a boost patch. It seems like something that you would get after a lot of trial and error, with that bra being the more accepted, mass marketable, product.




Also, I like that we are finally getting a number. 100 inches. So is the interview lady 100 or is she bigger?


Such thing could be developed in about one year or so but then you'll need three to five years to get FDA/MHRA/etc approval for Stage 3 tests (and still more for the widespread distribution). Of course Than could have sidestepped all that and presented Boost as cosmetics, not drug… whcih could easily lead to her downfall later.


So a medical brassiere that automatically distributes BOOST? This seems to be quite some time after the last chapter. Wonder what side effects it meant though, I would hope they got the addictiveness and boob tumor kinks ironed out by now.


I'm pretty sure that original version of such brasserie actually PREDATES Boost. Remember when That sang the praises for the “Alexis Prois Fitness” invention back in first chapter? She said: “It appears you've found the Holy Grail of breast augmentation. A single application resulting in substantial results; avoiding the pain and potential of complications associated with traditional implants or injectable materials, and the personalization and constant maintainance required for gene treatment”. Recall the fact that Than was already insanely huge (even if not yet room-fillingly huge) in an Annabel's flashbacks in LBSC—flashbacks which obviously covered time before Alexis capture and before [re]creation of Boost. Combine these two and you'll arrive at somethinch which looks and acts more-or-less like that brasserie. It should be easy to replace “gene treatment” with Boost in that gadget, though. In the end we have no idea when and where this subthread is placed. It could be Than's establishment many years in the future or it could a facility which heped Than to grow few years in the past or many other possible things. Till we'll see at least one familiar face we'll have no idea what is it.


Heheh I'm curious to see how fast this growth is occuring. The panel of her shirt breaking is great.


Can we talk about how newhire just went from "cute" to total babe??


I know, right? When this page came out I immediately thought "Ok, New Hire's my new fave." Sure she's not as drop dead gorgeous as Kay but she's got such a delightfully cute innocence look going on. Dunno you've got a name for her yet Zed, but I'm getting a Nicole vibe. Yeah.


“Delightfully innocent look” ⇒ +10 cuteness Newhire has that look more or less permanently applied in the last few pages, but it works on old characters, too. E.g. page 23 in the previous chapter: <a href="http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1194681">http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1194681</a> Alexis has this “deer spooked by a headlights” look in the frame three there (where she's lifting her headgear) which makes her simply adorable.


True. But also her boob size totally goes from cute and perky to babetown in a matter of a few frames!


Lovely faces, a pleasure to look at - particularly newhire. Wonderful story. I LIVE for the upcoming scenes of our grossly-overdeveloped heroine having her ATLAS Bra removed by the company support team, and then sitting there unable to move. (And pretty tired from a day on her feet, even with her miracle gravity-neutralizing cups.) That's the one thing our trusty author hasn't really shown, the transition/prep and actually donning the ATLAS. The girls are either naked and immobile, or fully strapped in and prancing around. (Go ahead, Khimru, tell me where it's shown.) Not to mention the scenes next morning, of her being winched out of bed and lifted to her feet, so she can be strapped into the ATLAS for her next shift at the SpacePub. Lord, this is inspired and fun to read.


LOL. We already know that you crave for some very unusual scenes (even by LBSM standards), but then, why Zdemian would draw then just for you? Unless you'll commision them, that is. Yes, dressing up process is not shown, but then, how often it's shown in general? How many other comics do you know where it's shown? The most you could usually see is frame or two where character is half-dressed—similar to page 7 of the second chapter: goo.gl/ES4ON3 . Even then the focus is NOT on troubles of a character. But then we have a page where newly-enlarged assets cause dressing-up problems for a character— <a href="http://goo.gl/wQEgIb" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/wQEgIb</a> . Of course there we don't have constant struggles which you crawe to see, but more of plot-driving “I've outgrown my clothes, I need to go shopping” trouble. People are significantly more fond of STRIPPING, not dressing up—and, indeed, stripping process WAS shown on the infamous page 15 of chapter one: <a href="http://goo.gl/OWwu3P" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/OWwu3P</a> . And last but not least: it's usually considered sick to show troubles of persons with disabilities. To savour process of attaching prosthetic limbs or dentures, handling of colostomy bags and various catheters. Unless somehow that process is important to the plot these are just not shown! It's unethical! Here disabilities are entirely self-caused (well… kinda… is newhire's 100″ boobs are self-caused or not if she was ORDERED to get them?), but principle still stays.


It would be great if this section was expanded, ironic word choice. Seeing a number on her growth is great. This character has amusing facial expressions, and seeing more of what went on during these weeks would be interesting, somewhat of a back-story. Getting to see more of the process she went through would be, excellent