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Ooh, no contest for me, favorite is the one with the mega-nips.


Looks like couple of these pages (perhaps more?) are actually AMAs. REALLY appreciated, thank you VERY much, but could you actually put question in there somewhere next time? If not in the picture itself then perhaps in the accompanying text? Than Dall, in particular, looks so odd without her large-tonnage breasts that I almost have not recognized her.


Glad to see Alexis getting back into the swing of things. Good looking cowgirl in a kimono too.


Good looking cowgirl has a name, you know. Most pictures this time are AMAs or patron-supplied ideas. Of course the are only six "slots" each week and couple dozen of ideas/suggestings/AMAs which means that most of them will be dropped...

Ariana Legna

Is the double-futa Jen? Because, if so, fantastic job. And, if not, I'm going to pretend she is anyway because that's spot-on.


Really loved this week's sketches. Pristinely dressed Ysabelle, sexy space angel, dirty and delicious futa, and smaller sized Than in the bath; so good, so great! The way she's fiddling that squirmy nipple is hot as hell.


vol 4 is great ;D