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1) I was originally planning on starting the next chapter yesterday, but since Thanksgiving is this week, I decided to do a short Thanksgiving thing. 2) The power went out at my house and just came on earlier this evening, hence the really late page. Sorry.




Well, that page is contrasting nicely with gruesomeness of previous mini-story and more Kay antics are always good.


Kay says she can't have any, so is this last year's thanksgiving when she was pregnant? If so, this comic could be Sadie catching up with Alexis at THIS year's thanksgiving and filling her in on what's happened her end over the past year. All I know for sure is that Kay is adorable as ever.


I'd never even considered a turkey costume could be sexy before, well done.


I don't think that it's a last year thanksgiving. My best guess is that she does not want to hurt her “Stevie Jr”. Who would have guessed that in spite of her forgetfulness, frivolity and despite all these shenanigans she'll be such a responsible nursing mother?


Ah yes THIS was what i missed about this comic


So, this is The Bends. Hopefully they have a nickname for him. Also that boob squish is excellent. I love how Sadie is so uncaring about it.


I think Sadie is just trying to stay seated. Think about it: Kay shoved her hard enough to send ~100lbs boob flying! That's a lot of thrust! Add the fact that Sadie's center of gravity is pretty close to the edge of sofa… I think in such a situation any outrage will be postponed till more pressing problems will be resolved. On the unrelated note. Poor Bends —I hope all his teeths are still with him: Sadie's breasts are suspiciously solid. Implants? Why? I kind of assumed that she had either natural breasts or perhaps breasts somewhat enhanced by Boost (give then she's good friend of Miriam)…


Finally,we see more trademark monster-breast jiggling!Bends seems really nonchalant about having such monstrous mammary glands in his presence,let alone having them shoved right up in his face.Maybe he's one of THOSE types of guys...who really aren't into big breasts!Heaven forbid!Then again,he might be just a super cool guy who'd be just right for Sadie.


With a sister like Kay? He's desensitized to huge breasts, plain and simple. I guess he'll still gawk at Alexis/Than boobs and may be even Miriam's new ones, but Sadie? For him Sadie's boobs are just not “abnormally huge”. More of “kinda larger than a typical ones”—because for him “the typical ones” are Kay's.