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Hmm… Basically everything is enlarged, but if Chase will not be able to move after all that under its own volition, then what's the point?… Than promised some kind of “new role” for Chase, but I'm not sure what kind of “role” could be performed in such a state… waterbed?…

Mason Dunne

A new worker in that club is probably his fate!


I don't think so. Alexis growth was insanely fast, yet it tooks days anyway. And she was unconscious most of the time. Here process happens much faster and shape is different—you could almost see where one implant ends and another begins. Which is not a good thing: it means that these implants are overfilled. Meh.


Huh. Not exactly what I was expecting.

Darth Cabbage

He is getting really puffy nipples there, they almost look like boobs on his boobs


These are called areolae, not nipples and they obviously have their own, separate, implants (as evidenced by separate feeding lines). Still wonder what kind of “promotion” may need such an extensive body modifications.


Pretty much what I expected, but I cannot help but feel this would be more of a reward than punishment for Chase. We'll see soon enough, I suppose.


You're assuming they're gonna keep him in his right mind or have him be on top. Considering what we've seen Than being capable of, I'm predicting being drugged out of his gourd and used as a fleshsack until he breaks in two.


SO! This looks a bit like what the Doc did to herself earlier. Except apparently it can work on guys too it seems. He's an asshole true, but he works for a much more assholish woman by all accounts, I feel a bit sorry for Chase. On the OTHER hand if it weren't for the current setting this would be pretty damn sexy.


Of course it works on guys! Travesti ( <a href="http://goo.gl/40t4UQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/40t4UQ</a> ) are doing something similar in our world. The only difference is that they are doing similar body modifications on their own volition while Chase was transformed into travesti by force, thus I, too, feel kind of sorry for Chase… not much, though: as Than put it “he made himself a nuisance to just about everyone else”. Chase was way overdue for some some kind of punishment, yet I've not expected THIS.


Who knows? We'll find out in a few days if he's swollen to the point of immobility and just used as a big squishy lay for the more "frisky" guests.


I must be the only one who thinks this, but omg so hot


DO more of this and I'll stay interested! (offtopic, still in universe, TSF).


Granted He Was a Di*K to her and Everyone else ,but this ....i feel sorry for him