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Wow. That's good first step. Now the ball is in the Alexis' court. I doubt she'll be able to just “forgive and forget” just like that, but I hope she'll at least try to do something. It's not healthy to keep the grudge. We could not ever change the past but future is open. As long as you are not dead you could still hope that it'll be brighter than the past. P.S. … and now we again are waiting for the next page. The fact that “walls of text” pages are gone makes comic better but makes wait worse. Oh, well, we could not have everything at the same time.


Damn, that felt good to read.


Hooray, the first step in melting Alexis' cool heart! This was very sweet too :D


Just realised what bothers me so much in these recent pictures of Alexis (real Alexis after a timeskip, not her figurehead). She looks like a someone who never really is “coming out of the game”. Unkempt hair, only ever dressed in her underwear and so on: like a game addict who lives her life via her avatar, not in “real world” but in “imaginary world”… except in Alexis case “imaginary world” is ALSO quite real, it's just the world of Alexis-the-cowgirl, not the world of Alexis-the-human. This could also explain difference in behavior between her and Than: while Than uses her avatar to interact with people she never lives “via it”. That's probably why she dresses up all the time—even if she does not plan to physically go out and show her real body to anyone. For her figurehead is just a crutch, it's not like she wants to live her life as a mechanical “Slenderman”. She probably started using it long before it became a necessity—for anonymity, not for mobility. The whole thing is just sad and we have more questions than answers. Why couldn't Alexis just shed these tits and start her “new life” without that crutch? Why throw herself into that virtual-but-not-really-world? What is she trying to achieve here? On the other hand: do her new acquaintances even know how she looks like? One would guess that figureheads are used mostly not by people with 20-30 ton tits (how many of there are there in the LBSC? there? four?), but by people with disabilities (think paraplegics or tetraplegics… these are more common… and have fewer choices than Alexis) in which case even the mere question of “why are you using a figurehead” would be considered an affront…


I had assumed this is kind of what she wanted anyway. But perhaps I am wrong. *shrugs* oh well <a href="http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140217102118/mlp/images/a/a5/Pinkie_Pie_derp_eyes_S4E14.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140217102118/mlp/images/a/a5/Pinkie_Pie_derp_eyes_S4E14.png</a>


I don't think that you are wrong. It looks more like of “be careful with your desires for they may be granted”. It's common trope, actually ( <a href="http://goo.gl/tmiyeh" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/tmiyeh</a> ), here we have somewhat Franken Fran-styled version of it.