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Hmm… looks like Rhea REALLY wants to talk with Alexis. I wonder: what happened. P.S. That first frame… it looks hilarious. Never thought how ridiculous running cowgirl will look from the side before.


One small comedy bit and montage later~


I just realized...they're probably gonna talk in the showers!


I'm realizing now how difficult or impossible crunches and sit-ups would be for even the "average" cowgirl.


Urhm. How will that work? I mean: Alexis figurehead is remarkable engineering feat but why would anyone want to equip a figurehead with a sweat glands??? Alexis is, most likely, does her workouts and thus abviously sweats and thus needs showering but she could still physically reside somewhere else—practically anywhere in the Cowloon or may be even farther. But yeah, this could still work, sure, but only if they have huuge showers installed and Alexis is physically somewhere in that bulding.


We finally see muscles burning


Have you forgotten about the very beginning? Page 2: <a href="http://goo.gl/tnHdpD" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/tnHdpD</a> … and later page 49 <a href="http://goo.gl/gOEiS3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/gOEiS3</a> (although I'm not 100% sure if page 49 counts).


Love how "Eye of the Tiger" is in this.


Ah, constantly changing balances of power, shifting positions, new knowledge revealed, wheels within wheels ... I love this. And my personal favorite, is trying to do a pull-up with a couple hundred pounds of breastfat. Can't wait to see Alexis in her lair - and her life-support system.


You are assuming that Alexis went with Rhea's offer which looks less and less likely. If she's not lactating then she'll not need any support systems. Sure, multiton breastmass could be slightly taxing but if it's not actually active then Alexis metabolism will be, surprisingly enough, just slightly above metabolism of a trained athlete. She may need some some alterations inside (something like additional pumps to reduce strain on her heart), but nothing actually visible.


That IS a support system. Love to see it, and an explanation of how her multi-ton mass is fueled.


It's too late to see it. We could have seen it when Ysabel did her operations on Alexis in the LBSC, but Zdemian have not showed it—and it's probably good thing: pictures from surgical operations when raw meat, blood, ligaments and other such “pretty” things are shown will be entirely “out of place” for this comic. Do you really like to see pictures from surgical operations? I'm not even sure such fetish could be considered healthy. As for “how her multi-ton mass is fueled”... said mass is mostly passive. As in: really passive. If Alexis is not lactating then it's mostly fat. Which means that even if Alexis weight is 60 000‒65 000 lbs she need will around 25 000‒30 000 kcal/day! Sumo wrestlers could consume about 15 000‒20 000 kcal/day which means that Alexis will just need a specialized highly concentrated diet instead of some externally-visible support system.


Well pretty sure Figureheads don't have a really massive range, and why wouldn't Alexis be on the premises? Could have converted the Exhibition Hall into the gym.


I am probably wrong about this but these recent pages to me it feels as though this comic is coming to a conclusion.


Figureheads could have a truly massive range. It depends on the interface used, obviously, the main limitation factor being interface between retina and brain. If people in LBSM deciphered that interface (and the fact that Than was connected via some kind of implant suggests that they did) then bandwidth required is relatively small, in megabits per second range. In fact it's small enough to carry over G4 mobile networks (like contemporary LTE) and if LBSM is at G5/G6 then it could be done for a very reasonable price. Which means that Alexis could be basically anywhere in Earth (Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies are impossible because of the latency). As for why she wouldn't be on the premises… as Rhea put it “sorry for the trek… but upper levels weren't designed with YOU in mind”. To be really successful gym must be placed somewhere where normal citizens could easily reach… and it's not clear if Alexis in all her glory will be able to fit there. Plus to reserve sizable part of the building just for Alexis will be serious drain on the resources. Than could afford it because she has lots and lots of resources and, more importantly, because her HQ are not in a walled city. Rent tend to be quite expensive in such cities! Recall the beginning of the comic: Alexis was barely able to fit in the freight elevator cabin in her “Prois Fitness” skyscraper‒and that was before LBSC! She's much larger now. She'll need specially made doors, specially made elevators, etc. These accomodations are expensive… but easily found in some places. MOMA's elevator ( <a href="http://goo.gl/wxN4Mu" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/wxN4Mu</a> ) is basically what Alexi will need, e.g.: 12 feet deep, 12 feet high and 20 feet wide inside. Sadly people are not visiting such places to sweat a bit. She COULD be on premises, but it's not guaranteed. Depends on her financial resources and size of said premises.


I'm not ready to agree... yet. I've not expected that (expected somewhat less frantically paced training session with some dialogue). But I've seen plenty is films where such technique is used as a transitions between scenes. Some character (think Po from Kung Fu Panda) is left with “master” and we see “flashes” of how s/he's training in different places. Then scene moves to the end of training session where “changed” (but sometimes just deadly tired) character encounters someone. Often the guy (or gal) who escorted him to the “master” will talk to a character again, or he could meet his rival, or childhood friend, etc. This is relatively typical technique in martial arts or sports films/shows/comics. The flashes are needed to show the current state of character: either he's clumsy novice (and then we expect one type of dialogue) or he's someone who could be pal with superman (which leads to other type of dialogue). The only problem: till now LBSM was NEITHER martial arts NOR sports comic (despite it's name). Why the sudden change of genre? I hope we'll know that soon.


There are tons of loose ties, I don't think it's likely. Well, Battle Angel Alita style conclusion (where after all the struggles and all the complications Ketheres suddenly transforms into a nanotechnological space flower which does not explain anything and leaves more questions than answers) is possible, but I hope Zdemian does not plan to abandon LBSM in similar manner.


Now I'm expecting her to haul logs up a mountain - or in this case, one of those wooden harnesses milk maids use to carry metal jars of milk. XD All-in-all, an interesting fanservice-y scene, and a chance to see sweat effects in art.


Good point, though I just thought that maybe she should have worn lighter clothing, that stuff she has on looks pretty heavy for exercising but I bet she wasn't expecting to get the Lou Treatment.


As I said I am probably wrong. I am generally pessimistic about online comics like this as the artists generally tend to disappear without completing the work. But on the other hand this patreon was set up for the comic not too too long ago. It's just likely my pessimism with many other comics online that have been abandoned.




Oh. You've meant “dropped” not “finished”… no, I don't think so. Zdemian was pretty punctual even before switch to Patreon and after that switch even more so: he promised to publish twice per week and he only missed one page in last five months. Which is more then compensated by three double-pages published in the same period. I don't think he'll abandon it as long as people are willing to pay for it. Of course he could always do a wrong turn and then his fans will leave him, but I don't see that happening soon. New fans have mostly stopped arriving ( <a href="http://goo.gl/ZRj3n1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/ZRj3n1</a> ) which is a little worrying, but I don't think it's a problem just yet.


It's just a montage, bro. They're used in every genre.


Sure, but usually such rapid sequences are used for something “centrail to a genre”. When producer wants to show us something lengthy yet important (if it's not really important then the entire scene will be skipped instead as Chris said). In “Iron Wok Jan” we'll see an a frantic set of scenes where someone will cook something, in something like “Rocky” we'll see a scenes which will depict the training of the hero, but it'll be strange to see such attention directed to cooking in “Rocky” or to the gym in “Iron Wok Jan”. Basically the question is: who cares what excercises exactly Rhea did in the Alexis gym if it'll not affect the story? And if said story is not sports comic then why the choice of excercise will effect it? The motage is superb, by the way. It's just strange to see it here. But as I've said: I'm not yet ready to declare it a mistake—we'll see where it goes later, I guess.


Because otherwise it's too "jerky."


I meant it both ways. I know a LOT of comics just are completely abandoned and never finished. Something like 80% of the ones ive really liked are never truly finished. Just abandoned. But I also know that artists can get tired of doing the same thing over and over again and want to branch out and do other things. Try and get new people interested and all that. I do think hes got a respectable following for his comic being a rather tame and not complete pornography. Which is a good sign but as I said artists can get tired of doing the same thing over and over again and might finish it off fast to move on. On a side note. You sure do like to post and comment a lot and leave long messages.


She OWNS a gym and has access to a Bovian Figurehead, I kind of doubt these were gifts from Rhea and Cowloon, especially if she said no the first time when the proposition of "Become a giant milk factory for us" came up. Not sure how still but we'll find out next week.


She own the gym, sure, but it does not mean she's physically in the same building. She, herself, could still be in that “Exhibition Hall A”. I don't think Rhea's offer to house her there was predicated on the agreement to “become a giant milk factory”. This was just one of the ways to repay for the hospitality, I'm pretty sure other forms of payment would have been accepted, too. Such as, I don't know… money?