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Sorry for the inconvenience, I have to rework some options, I have to include some characters like Midoriya for possible mix of the (w/o ban) pairings, and I have put Nejire's name twice, while I'm feeling a bit lazy to redo the poll, I just can't really leave it as it is, so thank you for pointing it out.
Also I have mention before that I will not draw an NSFW if the character has an animal face,  but if the majority of the character's feature is human then it gets a pass, so apologies but I cannot include characters like Tokoyami  because I am not comfortable in doing so. 🙇‍♀️

EDIT 1.2: LMAO I'm so sorry I had to double check something again. 🙇‍♀️

Reminder as mention in the previous post, I will not totally do the character banning yet but instead make 3 final polls after this in which you will be voting for the pairing result of the WITH and WITHOUT the banning.  So far we have:

Pairing 1
Bakugo X Ochako X Jiro
(w/o ban)
Mina X Momo X Jiro (w/ ban)

Pairing 2
Bakugo X Kirishima X Mina
(w/o ban)
Mina X Midoriya X  Shoto (w/ ban)

Possible pairing 3 will be decided after this poll.

you have 24 hours to vote.

Note that this is just a temporary thing so we can see if we can improve it more. Either way I will try to make a special prompt for the losing characters this Halloween or in the next holidays.





🧤 omg i found the perfect toru emoji dhdksvdksbslnfkdl

Tsukki's Pipsqueak

Really hoping Iida gets some time to shine. I loved that one you drew with him and Mina


If I can get some combo of Iida and Momo that will work for me!!


Ooooooh BakuKiriMina! Has that been drawn before??? I really like that combo. Also, I’m here for more Iida as well!


One day I hope to see my Tailman, Ojiro on this list.

⭐ Michelle S ⭐

Yay. Looks like Momo & Midoriya won the poll for #3 pairing with Bakugo! Thank goodness. 😌 Some BakuMido with Momo thrown in does sound like a nice change of pace. It's certainly different, but doesn’t sound too bad. 😊