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It has come to my attention that some of you are getting tired of repetitive characters that always wins on polls. So I would like to propose that we BAN Characters that had won as the TOP#1 threesome pair which is  Bakugo/Uraraka/Kirishima, because they are most likely the top 1 pair/best choice from the previous threesome event that would also most likely be voted again, as a result, we will see them over and over as winners for most of the threesome event.

Bakugo/Uraraka/Kirishima will be ban for this event, and the Main character will be the TOP #2, skipping banned characters of course, from Poll #1  which is Mina Ashido. 

We will get the next most voted character from Poll#2  , skipping Ochako Uraraka and Kirishima (banned). We will have now have Pairing # 1 as;
Mina x Jirou X Momo. 

Banned characters will have a cooldown of 3 Events before they can show up in future threesome poll. 

Criteria for being banned is being TOP#1 threesome poll of the week. In which, for the next threesome poll, it will be (Mina x Jirou x Momo).

Let me know if you guys agree. Thank you! I will base my decision on your votes. If not, we will continue as usual, without the banning. Share your thoughts in the comment section!



Wait so does this mean Bakugou/Jiro/Uraraka wouldn't be happening? Because I never see those 3 together and was really excited about that (although I would like more yaoi/yuri so the new 3 is good but...BakuJiro is one of my favs😣)


I dont see an issue with repeated characters as long as it isn't the EXACT same mash-up. If the majority of people keep voting for it, they clearly wanna see it. Give em what they pay for, ya know?

Sami Trimborn

Pleeeeeease ban the repetitive characters. I’ve been waiting for content of my favorite characters, and it gets ruined by people wanting to see the same thing over and over. Nothing wrong with what you like, but give us other paying fans a chance to see what we like too


I'd be extremely disappointed if you banned repetitive characters--I love seeing you work with Bakugo and Uraraka in particular, and it seems like that's what a lot of people are here for as well. Please don't ban them! Edit: I'm aware this is not a permanent ban, but having to skip three events each time would be really disappointing. Maybe it would be more palatable if the cooldown was one event—but not having the ban would be fantastic.


People really aren't reading this... they're not permanently banned guys it's just so other characters can be rotated. Your faves will return just let other characters get their time.


I just like your drawings so I'm ok with whatever 💖


I'm following you because I love your content but I always looks forward to when Bakugou shows up so no, I dont want a Ban.


If this does happen can we pleeeeeease get a yaoi trio for the next one? 🥺 since this is a yuri trio


I know most, if not all, of us are kacchako shippers and are here because of it, but I really like the idea of giving the spotlight to other characters. The way I see it- Krumbs is an artist and I feel like it'd be better to see them draw a bunch of different characters' bodies rather than the exact same ones over and over. I don't know. That and... remember how stoked we were to see Tenya that one time!? I just think we should be more open-minded. Hope the new job isn't killing you, Krumbs. Don't forget to rest.


I love it . Really opens up to new shipping ideas 😻 the rotation part is excellent choice, we’ll see classics sooner than later ❤️


Honestly, I would like to see more of the characters that aren't always voted for. Like Shindo and Tenya. Seeing something new isn't a bad thing. I think that a ban on the characters as a main focus for a while is ok, but not completely. Say give another character a chance to spotlight and having the "banned" character available as the chosen secondary would be fine. I know other characters are more popular and will be voted for again and again. That happens a lot. But at the end of the day it's your choice as to what you do. This is your content and it is your final say in what you make. Do what you feel is best. I'll still be here to enjoy it either way.


I'm torn bc Kacchako is the main reason I'm a patron and I love seeing them together or with other characters. I understand why it's fair to give the spotlight to other characters but I will miss seeing so much of them

Sami Trimborn

They just saw “banned” and flipped out. Y’all, please read the whole thing 😬

Shika The Lazy

I'm all for seeing more characters instead of the same 8. I'm really only here for Kacchako but your art is great and it's nice to see something new 👌


I say a “ban” is a good idea for now. It’s not permanent and Kacchako fans will see their favorite content once in a while. It’s a nice change up to give other characters a chance. Whatever happens I’m happy to see you active again Krumbs

Tarro the Rambler

I’d say try this with the next set of polls and leave these as is.


So first of all, I do understand peoples frustration with having certain characters show up so often however, with that being said... you do put voting polls, and the people have spoken. The reason why certain characters constantly when IS because they are so popular and do win the majority. Also it's not like you make the selection Limited, you put a very broad spectrum of characters to choose from, and most of the time the popular characters get most of the vote, obviously. All in all, personally, I do think it would be a tad unfair to make a ban of characters that a lot of people do like to see frequently... But at the same time I can understand the others would like to have some sort of system put in place where different pairings or characters have their chance to shine. I guess... My suggestion might be, to do two separate polls, the first one just plain all characters and let the voting commence as normal. And then once the first pairing has been decided, do a second poll with the remaining characters and once there's been a second winning pair outcome... Have a final vote with the winning pair of poll 1 and the winning pair of poll 2, and then have the winning pair between those selections be your final decision? That's just a suggestion but I came up with. Maybe you can think of some tweaking that can be done, or someone in the comments can add there thoughts or suggestions? Maybe we can come up with a more well-rounded solution that is fair to everyone, both to those who enjoy seeing certain pairs frequently and to those who would like to see fresh pairings. Please feel free to let me know if my comments were of any help to you or others ☺️ ~Thank You for Your Time, Nayruanime

Lady Experiment

I'm on the fence like others because I did subscribe for Kacchako. I'm a fan of yaoi so I like that but not a fan of yuri so whenever I see that I always groan . Maybe instead of waiting 3 rotations (because that is a long time and its not guaranteed) you can do a popular character poll for one week every month and then they are excluded for the rest of that month. Afterall it is a poll and there is a reason why they are so popular. That way we can still get what we want plus new mashups. I would hate for you to loose subscribers over this but I think my option makes it to were everyone can be happy. So for that reason I am putting NO to the banning.


Part of me is like “but I ship Bakugo, kiri, and Ochako.” But then another part of me is screaming “TAMAKI!” “FATGUM!” “TOKOYAMI!”


I was really looking forward to some potential Kirishima x Bakugo x Ashido content and this new rule would mean that that wouldn't happen for quite a while with Ashido now being "banned" on the next rotation, so for that reason I voted against this. That said, I won't be leaving if this winds up becoming a rule. I've got my preferences like we all do, but I do also like to see a variety of pairings from time to time.


A "banning" rotation sounds fine with me! 👍👍 But I would say make it happen after this one? Cause people have been voting for what they would like to see! I just find it a bit disappointing if it suddenly changes...


Oh gosh YES please! I'd like to see new pairings and new characters, not always the same! Thanks for considering this <3


I personally subbed for kaccacho so ehhhh


I love the characters but I thinks its a good idea to ban them from time to time. It will give the less popular characters a better chance.


I agree with the "banning" rotation. However I think the rule should apply from the following polls. The current poll was made with the rules currently in force, so it should be considered valid even if the "yes" to Ban wins. Quite a few people have said the same in the comments.


Further. If I understood correctly, the Ban would last 3 events. Maybe it would be to lower it and that the ban only lasts for the next 2 events. The ban in 1 single event would be insufficient, but in 3 I think it is too much.


Love this idea, excited to see new pairings!

Nereyda Ybarra

I do love kacchako and kirikacchako but I love your art more. I subscribed to you because of the different characters you work with. Not just the same characters. So I dont mind this new change at all. ❤❤❤

Dark Logic

As someone who loves your art and hates Bakugo (it's complicated), I support banning repetitive characters.


I love kacchako, but I really hope to see more characters featured! Especially Sero and Tamaki. I support the rotating of characters, but perhaps after this round? Since the voting has already been done? Then after this round, Ochako, Bakugou, and Kirishima won’t be eligible in the next/however long you decide?


I absolutely love Bakugo but, where is Deku? I love Uraraka, but where is Melissa? A banning system is a good option in my opinion!


But but Kacchako….


At first I thought this was about the main polls and definitely would say no, I'm still waiting for some rare pairs with Toko if he ever becomes an option and main characters should definitely stay for those. But for threesomes? Sure, it only happens infrequently anyway.