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While working on our threesome week, I got inspired to finally continue these sketches I did way back 2018. It's only a 20 page doujin of pure NSFW, not much into the story because I just really love these 3 together!

So one we are done with the bowl, I'll be finishing this and also some animations that I'm still working on! 

I apologize for the slowness, I'm trying to juggle work and other personal stuff lately. As always, thank you for all the support and the lovely comments!




It's 2020. Just do your best and get some rest!


This is awesome! & hey please take your sweet time! Never a need to rush for us (: stay safe & take care~!!!!


Yasss!! I’m excited!!


Yessssssss! I’m here for this!!! Clearly I’m excited lol. Take your time tho...Rest, be selfish with yourself and your time. We will love it whenever it comes out ♥️.


"only" 20 pages??? Omg krumbs you spoil us 😭 im so excited for this, but please also take it easy! We love you 🥺


Your doujins are what I live for!😍


Ahhh can’t wait! You are amazing, we’re all here and happy with whatever pace you need to work at 🥰


Looking forward to it! This is going to be great!


Don't give too much of you, sometimes we have to stop and breath to keep going


👀👀👀 uuuuuH didn’t think I’d like that BUT AAA the wips already look SO GOOD!!!!!

Bakusauce on my tiddies

Aw, Deku at the bottom telling Kacchan to cut it out. This looks so nice all ready, and don’t worry. We will wait for you, take your time. ^^

This Guy Likes Cool Stuff

OT3some content is what I've been looking for. Take as long as you need.


Krumbs saying its *only* a 20 page doujin as if we could ask for any more T-T they spoiling us. I would be happy with 2 either way. Thank you Krumbs


So excited!! 🧡🥺


Incredible!!! I'm so excited! Thank you for your hard work!! 🙌

Ash 🍁 Fall

I’M SOO EXCITED!! I miss your bkdkok shinanigans 🥺💛💚💗

Humnah Farooq

Whoop whoop, can't wait


I'm just glad you're alive :)

Mich Rangel

Don’t worry about it! I’ll wait patiently, and keep supporting you from here!


When I’m sad i think about all i have to look forward to