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July Weekly Bowl is over! Thank you so much for sticking around, it means a lot to know that you still enjoy the content I'm putting out.

If you're a new patron, here are the sketches we've done so far: BAKUBOWL, OCHABOWL, MOMOBOWL, IZUBOWL.

For next month, I will post the colored versions of the most liked sketch for every bowl. They will be posted weekly. 

You have until:

Aug 2 for Week 1

Aug 9 for Week 2

Aug 16 for Week 3

Aug 23 for Week 4

to like your favorite piece.

I would also like to take the time next month in focusing on finishing some projects I've been working on.

We will resume the Weekly Bowl on September with all the winners from the July bowl excluded from the main character polls.

Thanks, much love

Nightly Krumbs



Much love back at you


You did so good, Im really impressed by all of the art you've churned out


Congratulations! We appreciate your work very much. Thank you for our fandom crumbs :)


Thank you so much for 4 amazing character bowls! <3


I love you! :)


Great work on the bowls!

Clem Barbarossa

Thanks for your work! I probably won't be of much help now because I liked every single one of them ;)


This was such a fun event! Thank you for all your work!


Super Excited! I can't wait. Would LOVE if you added in some of the teachers (All Might, Eraser Head, Midnight, Present Mic) and even other heroes outside of the school (Ms. Joke, Hawks, Woods, Mt. Lady). These would be awesome for maybe a future bowl or even just random.


You worked so hard this month. Definitely worth the money I've put to your patreon. =) I hope you're doing okay.


Love you lots Krumbs! Keep up the good work and appreciate that you're letting us know what you're planning to do ahead of time. Take care of yourself always <3


Thank you Krumbs for everything!!!And Good luck with your projects!Be carfeul and dont stress yourself to much.


This was an enjoyable ride! I had fun! I also really like that you don’t reuse the winners because it gives other characters a chance! Here’s to another successful bowl!


Great job on the July Bowl! It was great to see rare pair and a few f! slash and m! slash ships make the cut! You did such a great job on all of them, making them each feel unique! I don't think the Kiribaku sketch stands much of a chance to be colored considering it's up against Kacchako, haha, but oh well. Maybe some time in the far future if there's any downtime some others could be colored as well? Thanks again for the great bowl!


Hope you get some well deserved rest . $1 is a bargain for your work . Will keep supporting .


The July bowl was so wonderful, I may not have shipped some of the pairings but that doens't make them any less beautiful. You're such an amazing artist and its nice to see some of the underatted charaters getting some well deserved love! I can't wait to see who gets colored!