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I just wanted to say thank you very much for the overflowing support and appreciation on my last post! The suggestions and comments had definitely helped me with what I was going through and I felt a lot better after reading them ALL.

I decided to delete that post because I want to move on with these negative feelings. I'm very thankful that everyone was very understanding and kind, with my concern being addressed, I'm alright now! I am happy and enjoying the bowl too, and I cant thank you guys enough for everything!

And now back to our nightly program.



You are the best we are all here for you!!!!! Love from all!


Love you Krumbs! <3


We love you Krumbs ♥️♥️


Thank you for sharing your passion with us. I can confidently say we all love your ideas and creativity. Seeing your emails makes my day! ❤️


I'm always happy when I see your content, you deserve more. You put up with A LOT and yet you still make us the krumbs.


I'm glad things are getting better for you 💕


❤️Always remember you’re great for what you do!!




Can’t wait to see what else is in store! You got this ✌🏼


Glad u feel better now!

Nic the Djinn

Much love from me and all the others! We're here for you. We love and care about you and your health and happiness is very important to us. Happy to see you're back in the groove of things, but always remember that if it ever gets to be too much, slow down, take a break, and take care of yourself. We'll be right here when you return. <3


Im very glad to know that our comments have helped you out, I think that's one of the best things that come out of a creator and viewer relationship

Sami Trimborn

I always look forward to Patreon notifications so I can enjoy the Krumbs ❤️❤️❤️ If you EVER need a break, we understand! We adore the heck out of you and don’t want you getting burnt out 🙌🏻


For a dollar per month. I don’t think any of us can really complain cuz you’re practically giving us this stuff.


I’m glad you’re feeling better love!! We’re always here for ya!!!!!


We’re always here for the krumbs!!! 💛 Just remember your well-being comes first and we would hate for you to become overwhelmed with the workload you take on for us. I’m happy that you’re feeling better now, much love 💖💖


You're awesome 💖


Go go go Krumbs!! Cheering you onwards to whatever new heights you want to reach


Take your time :) We love ya!

Isabel Reloj

You are awesome! ^_^

