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- FIRST: This will automatically REPLACE the female esk file, this HAS TAIL SUPPORT but will conflict with any other kind of uncommon custom skeleton (sword movesets for example).

- SECOND: Since this replaces the female human/saiyan skeleton, all your female human/saiyan characters will be affected, if you use CAC2X2M i suggest installing this, export the character you want with narrow shoulders and then uninstall the mod to have your CACs using the vanilla shoulders~

THIS IS NOT a fix or a revamp, this is only a visual option for those who prefer "calmer", narrower shoulders, it is something completely subjective! 




Great job brooo 💪


Man those screenshots really do make it obvious how wide the vanilla ones are


Life is good when Keku drops


I personally prefer the vanilla ones most of the time, but sometimes its wideness kinda ruins some costumes silhouettes.. Hopefully this will scratch that itch for some people


You are the Edna Mode of Xenoverse 2 mods. Best of the best


Like I said I never noticed it before. I think for costumes like that one in screenshot or for ones that don't really have a lot of muscle definition then the vanilla would be too wide and using your one would be an improvement. Definitely made some people happy with that's for sure


so this is incompatible with any custom moveset, not just the sword ones correct?


This is compatible with any regular and tail movesets, if a moveset uses even more custom bones then it will not work


WOOOOOOO! I'm not home but I'm looking forward to seeing it 👍

Dylon Murphy

So, no tails with this? Dang

Cunning Vileblood

Ok after some testing the mod is good loving it so far but there does seem to be some jank when using this mod together with your Hair Colored Saiyan tail mod. Mostly noticeable when standing still.


Really? What kind of jank? I will also test here to see if i can do something about it

Cunning Vileblood

Kind of hard to put into words but the tail is just moving around all weirdly and will stretch at some angles depending on the animation. Also, I've done some testing in blender, and it seems the tail bones from this esk are larger than the other one from the aforementioned mod, looking at them side by side.


I do remember making my tail shorter than most people usually make them... Not sure now how i will approach the situation, updating this might not be a good idea since I think most people don't use my tail.. and adding an extra version for my tail mod might make things more complicated than it needs to be for a lot of users.. I think i will finally update that tail mod i did and include a narrow shoulders version there


I use your tail, as it allows me to have other ear mods installed. However, I haven't gotten this shoulder mod yet, and the tail turns flat at some points in its animation. It didn't do this before the update.

Zay The Kid

Cooking like this while recovering is some true Saiyan shit. Hope you and yours gain even more strength after this, brother.


It makes your tail mod janky. Have you tried using the two together?


Thanks man 🙏 i have fully recovered, had some fun while recovering too, balancing things out is super important


I will update the tail mod to the lastest version of the game and include a Narrow Shoulders version to that~