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It's a simple edit on the "new" demon gi, both used by gohan and piccolo, for the boots i edited the old demon gi boots since people seem to like it way more than the new boots

It has two bust variants which i call "Brawly Type" (Piccolo's) and "Beast Type" (Gohan's)




A shame this wasn't included in the DLC thank you for doing it, any chance you can do it for females?


I hope we get one for namekians. I swear I want this one.


Damn that looks good. Not quite sure which one I prefer




Also could we get these 2 for namekians


Awesome! Can you make Beast Gohan's forehead and eyes for CAC's? That would be awesome

Juan S Jimenez R

Glad to see you posting again! Quick update, I was able to do the model swap when transforming and was really cool. What I'm trying to do right now is to swap the skills for the new model when transforming. I've tried couple of things messing with the Charac creator, skill and costume creator but it didn't work, not sure what I did wrong or if its something more specific that I need to do. I've found really difficult to find any tutorial or help from other modders, that's unfortunate-dissapointing honestly, but anyways I'm going to take a break for this and enjoy the game (I haven't play the history yet), and maybe keep trying again in a couple of days/weeks. Any advice? Note: I'm not so sure if I'm going to keep the modding path, but definitely, I'm going to keep waiting for you to drop cool clothes ;)


awesome! different skills may load different "partsets" in the bcs (this if they load any partset), which will cause to load different models or not load anything at all, you can edit the skill x2m to change which partset it loads