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First, an update, i will have to travel to a different state for about 3~4 days due to personal reasons, i got caught off-guard and haven't planned releases for the days i won't be able to work, i will try to release some things today to compensate that. I'm sorry.

Second, this accessory WILL have clipping issues! i made this compatible to the vanilla arm size, some clothes will clip through and there isn't much that can be done about it :( (Frost Demons are the ones who suffer the most with this, since their arms size varies quite a bit)




Hey no need to apologize I hope you have a good time on your trip.


Nice work, don't worry about it stay safe on the trip 💪


Firstly, enjoy your trip. Secondly, thanks to this mod I can now bring in my character from fusions into Xenoverse 2.

Shield Labs

Looks Awesome!! Safe Travels 🙏