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Sorry for not posting these last 3 days. Gone on a little trip around Thanksgiving to have some quality time with Ms. keku ~♥️

First, some of you sent me thanksgiving messages and i would like to say thanks to everyone, i will answer individually too 🥰

Second, although i missed the time, i hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, from time to time i like to make posts thanking everyone for the support, my life really turned upside down (for the better) because of how incredible every single one of you have been. I'm back at work this Saturday, not sure if i will be able to release what i will be doing this Saturday but i will try my best. I wish everyone a very good night, an awesome week and an amazing life. Thanks for being incredible.


Rodrigo Camargo

Muchas gracias, te queremos mucho

Shield Labs

grateful for you sharing your talents with us, hope you have a great holiday weekend! Best regards


Hey is all good hope you had a great thanksgiving


Thank you for being such a great person ❤️, Hope you had a great Thanksgiving 💪


todo o sucesso do mundo p tu cara, bom descanso <3