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---------------PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING:----------------------
-PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS A BETA!!! It will become public after it is fully functional.
-Known bugs: the camera will freak out if your character is standing horizontally/diagonally.

You can have both skills installed, they don't replace each other!

I tried giving this golden but it didn't work for some reason (also rip sleep trying to solve it)


-Fixed Third Form ground clipping during the transforming animation
-Divided into two awoken skills
-Added 100% Power (Freeza Path)
-Added 5th Form (Cooler Path)
-100% Power makes your character slower but physically stronger.
-5th Form makes your character quicker but not as strong as 100% ki damage also increases a little!
-Transformations are now sequential to avoid confusion with the in-game skill prompt since the game doesn't properly support awokens with more than 3 stages.




As always please report any problems so i can fix them as soon as possible, have fun!


This is sick




im having trouble with body type mods,i am using something that collides with your unsupressed


i get an error saying that is already being used ,but i dont know what mod i have installed that affects body size left ,im not using ultra ssj or jirens form


Ooooh that might be an older body size changing mod, or you might've had one installed at some point, the patcher and installer can now add body IDs automatically, so it shouldn't be a problem


message me on discord,i have to refresh the websit every few secs,it okay? mine is KarZak#9922


Yeah that's a problem i had in a earlier patch, do you have everything updated? Including game and patcher? If yes the easiest way of fixing that would be either finding which skill mod you have that alters body or cleaning your mods 🥲 you can also edit your BCS manually but thats a bit more advanced if you don't have any knowledge about it


ooh,i have 800 or so mods,but none installed do that for cac unless i have your old mod in

Nickola Conagher

Is there a way to make Golden form work with custom movesets?


Yes! I suggest using moveset editor, you can copy things you want from the other moveset to the base FRI one while leaving everything golden form related intact! Which is probably the easiest way of doing it i think you can also just copy golden form stuff into the custom moveset but that can be messy if you don't have knowledge on how to edit these things 🧐


hey, moon keku whenever I transform into the 3rd form my cac only has the middle toes and the rest disappear would you know how to fix this?


no all the transformations after the second form have the feet problem


if you don't know how to fix it that's fine i just thought I'd ask 👍


Are you using a custom animation/moveset? an edited esk could also be the problem


Yes I am using a custom moveset I didn't even think about that being the problem thanks moon keku! I'm about to try it out right now


Here's hoping you solve the Gold problem. Ideally I'd like to see 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4th 100%, 5th, Golden and the new Black all in one skill :P 7 stages.

Rapidfirerabbit .

Great mod especially since you can mess with the ids the change how some of the forms look


Keep up the good work my friend!! I wish you could do each transformation separate one day. In the meantime, keep it up! Also thanks to this mod, you can do Full Power Frost btw

Restless Reaper

is there anyway rn to change the second and 5th forms hairstyles? im asking because they dont really match my current hairstyle?


Hi! This looks like an awesome mod, but everytime I try to download it I get that body id 15 is already in use, any tips?


i thought that bug was gone.. most likely you have another skill that changes size, the game has trouble installing another one of those