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Honestly i'm not optimistic about myself but i hope everything goes well for every single one of you! I know i always say that but its true! Everyone here is so amazing!! I have met very few people which i would consider nice, and everyone here is nice to me, so it is reaaaaally important for me to hear such nice things, i'm not used to that haha, thanks a lot and thanks for saving my 2021! Haha this patreon is the best thing to ever happen to me and hopefully i will be able to continue doing things that allow me to interact with nice people <3 i will be off for a bit to be with my family, but i can confirm the first mod of the year will be an red hood costume with holsters accessories!!



Happy New Year


Hapot new year 😘


Happy New Year! although I'm relatively new it's it's been a real treat to see what goes on here,with the collective post and fun banter and support i see among others. You deserve it! I hope you have a delightful first step into this new week and year of our lives. Enjoy your time off! and once again Happy New Year!!


Happy New year! 🥂


Thanks a lot!! A good environment is really important to me, not always we have a place to be chill and have some fun, so i really appreciate how much you guys contribute to have a nice enviroment here! Hopefully i will evolve as an artist to deliver better things for you all :D


Hope you have a happy new year


Happy new year Keku! Could you by chance check your DMs :3


Happy new year